Part 9

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*Toms POV*

“Who could that be at this time of night?” Ella moaned, slowly moving away from my chest. I kissed her lightly, jumped out of the bed and chucked on a pair of joggers before finding the card to open the door.

“Two minutes beautiful” I said to Ella before opening the door. 

“Alright Tom?” A familiar Scottish accent said. 

“I would be if some Scottish bloke didn’t wake me up at two in the morning, what are you playing at? You’ve done a good job of winding people up today Martin, reckon it’s time you piped down?”

“Tom, don’t get all annoyed with me, there are fans outside”

I rolled my eyes. I was shattered from the night before, I didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone right now. 

“Go and get one of the other lads!”

“I tried that, they all said come to you”

“I bet they did!” I sighed. 

“Fine” I muttered. 

“Thanks Tom!”

“But I’m not working tomorrow”

“Tom, you can’t pick and choose”

“Fine, see you in the morning Martin!” I said before slamming the door. Once again there was a loud knock at the door. Ella sat on the bed laughing. 

“Don’t make this worse missy!”

I chucked on some better clothes. These fans really were dedicated at two in the morning! I wasn't going to suffer alone though. I went along the corridor, banging on the other boy's doors until they came out. Eventually, I had all the boys and girls with me.

We stayed out chatting to fans. I loved meeting them but I really wanted to be in bed. I felt sorry for the ones I had given photo's to as I looked a state! We finished up and headed into the hotel again. The girls were all sat on the sofa's in the lobby having a cup of tea.

"There you are! I have been knocking on your doors for the last half an hour" Martin shouted getting stressed.

"We have been out with the fans mate!" Max said, slowly raising his voice. 

"I'm heading up to bed" Sophie said whilst yawning. Jay put his arm around her waist and they both headed up the stairs.

"I'm not tired anymore" Tasha said, sounding quite awake. 

"Yeah, me too. I'm past the tired stage" Rebecca joined in. 

"Yeah and me" Ella said. 

"Me too!" Katie laughed. 

"Well I am knackered so if you don't mind, I'm going to head upstairs. Ella you stay down with the girls" 

"Thanks Tom, will do"

I frowned and laughed. I headed to the stairs then I remembered Ella had the key to the hotel room. I spun around and headed back to the others.

"Back for more?" Ella said grinning at me. I faked a laugh and gave her the evils. 

"I need the key?" 

"Here you go bub, don't loose it?" 

"Thanks sugar" I made my way to the stairs once again and headed to my room. I collapsed onto the bed and smiled to myself.

*Sivas POV*

We had a great time over the last few tour dates. A luxury hotel each night. We did spend a lot of the time in the tour bus though, traveling and chilling. It was like our second home and we knew where everything was.

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