Part 1

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Today was June 27th, my birthday. Today was also many other thing like the day I had my history test or the day I got my very first car but most importantly it was the day I was finally free.

What I mean by 'finally free' is that I no longer have a curfew since I'm 18 now my parents I guess trust me more then they did yesterday but who knows? Well they do but you get my point.

This morning at breakfast my parents surprised me with a new car and I was pretty shocked because they always said that I would have to buy my own car if I wanted one, its the reason why I have my horrible job. I guess they had a change of heart, and I was pretty close to being able to buy my own car, maybe a few thousand off, now I pretty much saved for no reason but I guess I could save it for college.

Right now I'm sitting in my history class about to take my test that I had mentioned earlier, I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail it but oh well I'll just retake it.

My best friend, Alex, was messing with me through out the test constantly poking me and sometimes even slapping me, she was one of the smartest kids in my grade so this shit was easy for her unlike it wasn't for me. So I guess she thought that it would be a good idea to mess with me instead of trying to help me, what a great friend am I right?

Once finished with my test, most likely flunking it. I made my way to turn it in to the teacher, Mr. Smith, he gladly accepted my test and began to grade it right then and there.

I rushed back to my desk next to Alex, not wanting to see or hear my grade, when I made it to my seat Alex bothered me some more and stopped when class ended.

Since I was a senior I only had five classes for the day and then I was able to go home, I made my way towards my brand new car, hopping in and taking off towards my house.

I made it home just in time to sit on my couch and do nothing, I know best birthday ever!


Today was a pretty bad day, I mean the only good thing that happen was the fact that my parent's bought me a car, I haven't even seen my parents since breakfast, they're always busy with work and stuff even though I know that's not the case, they just don't wanna mess with me, sad I know.

I flipped through the channels on the TV only to find nothing on, well nothing good on.

I decided against watching TV and went up to my room to go up there and do nothing, I know I'm a very boring person I mean I would call up Alex and ask her to hang out but I don't want to be a burden, she's probably at some party or hanging out with her boyfriend, Ew gross.

While in my room I decided to get my homework over with so that later I could go out in the woods and read, I know I'm weird I just find it peaceful out there you know and now that I don't have a curfew I can be out there as long as I want.

Once finished with my very difficult math homework I grabbed my favorite book and headed outside.

When I walked out of my back door I took in the fresh smell of the trees and dirt and made my way towards the woods, going to my usual spot which was a clearing in the middle.

I made it to my little sanctuary and sat down right dead in the center, once comfortable I opened my book and started reading.

It started to get dark out so I pulled out the flash light I kept in my bag and clicked it on, shining it down on the pages of my book and continued to read, I know what you may be thinking 'The hell are you doing in the middle of the woods reading when it's dark out, an ax murder could come out and chop you to death' But the truth is, I don't scare easy, I mean yeah if an ax murder really came out and was trying to chop me up I'd be scared but other then that I'm good, I'm kind of a horror junkie so yeah...

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