Part 5

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I woke up to an empty bed, where was Lauren she was here when I went to sleep, I guess I could go look for her.

I looked over at the clock the was on the nightstand to my left and it read 5:32am hold on back the fuck up why am I up so early and why was Lauren not here to keep me warm??

I decided against going to look for Lauren cause I'm sure that she's fine, I also really didn't wanna get out of bed this early I mean who wants to anyways? Definitely not me.

I ended up going back to sleep and was woken up several hours later, well I think it was several hours later and if it wasn't it sure as hell felt like it.

"Baby wake up" She planted a kiss on my lip then my cheeks.

"Ufhh" I muttered while trying to push her off but she didn't budge, she got on top of me and moved the hair out of my face causing the light to shine in my eyes. "Baby get off" I mumbled and she giggled and kissed my cheek but shook her head.

"Nope" she said hovering over my lips, I groaned and tried to push her off again but this time she lost her balance and fell flat on me, all her weight on me I mean she wasn't that heavy but it felt like she was pushing down on me on purpose.

"Baby please" I said, pleaded for her to get off of me but she still shook her head "I thought you wanted me to get up?" I tried to reason with her but she just shrugged. "Do you not want me to get up anymore?" I asked and she shook her head quickly "Then you have to get off of me so I can get up" She nodded and slowly got up but only to get into the straddling position, she pinned my arms above my head and leaned in to kiss me, but I quickly turned my head so she ended up kissing my cheek, she pouted when she realized what I did and tried again but I stuck my tongue out so she kissed my tongue, she groan and demanded that I give her a real kiss or she wouldn't take me out on this date that she had planned for later, I quickly gave in because I had really wanted to go on the date, I let her give me a kiss on my lips, she gave me a little peck then climbed off of me leaving me tired once again from all the straining I did to try and get her off of me.

I closed my eyes for a couple seconds before a body crashed into mine once again.

"Baby gettttt upppp" She whined rolling on and off of me, she got back into the straddling position and started tickling me waking me right up.

I got enough strength to push her off of me and she landed on the other side of the bed laughing her ass of as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm up, I'm up" I breathed out, Lauren calmed down and was now just staring at me with a content smile on her face, she looked happy at least I hope she's happy, I wouldn't want her sad-

"I am happy Y/N, So very happy" She whispered then gave me a peck on the lips, getting off the bed but not before shouting "You better be up before I get back" I nodded as she left the room.

I yawned and stretched out my muscles trying to get rid of any sleepiness I had left, I lazily looked around the room and noticed some really cool looking things, I got up from the bed stretching once again then walked into the bathroom, I took a quick shower and once I was finished I got dressed and brushed my teeth, after I finished my morning routine and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen only to find Lauren already in there cooking breakfast, she looked so perfect standing there slaving away over the stove, the light from the window shined down perfectly over her, she looked like an angel.

She turned around and once she saw me she gave me a smile.

"Hey babe" She said setting down the spatula and walking over to me, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around her waist, leaning in and gave her a quick kiss.

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