Part 2

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A week had passed since we had first arrived at the motel, the week had slowly passed by but having Lauren here with me made it a little better.

I had to leave Lauren back at the motel while I went to school, I'm pretty sure she was bored the whole time since she decided to stay in the room while I was gone and not go out and explore but you know I wouldn't want her to do that without me because she would most likely get lost.

I was at lunch right now sitting next to Alex at our usual table which was in the far left of the cafeteria, Alex was engaged in a conversation with one of our other friends that sat with us, Evan, he was a little younger then us but we didn't mind, he was cool.

"Guys guess what" I spoke after I chewed my food.

"What?" Alex said as she turned to face me.

"I met someone" I said with a grin, my friends were the only people I had come out to so I guess I could trust them with this I mean I'm not gonna tell them that she's not from this planet or anything but I guess I could tell them about her.

"YOU DID?!" Alex and Evan shouted at the same time causing the cafeteria to go quiet, everyone's attention was now on us.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Alex shouted causing everyone to go back to their conversations and stop looking at us. 

"Okay back to this women you met, Is she hot?" Evan said curious as to who I had met.

"Very" I said thinking back to Lauren

"Awwe you're thinking about her right now" Alex squealed "It's so cute" She stood up to throw her trash away then rushed back to the table, taking her place that was next to me.

"You gotta picture of her?" Evan said trying to pull my phone away from me, truth is she was my wallpaper already, I know that I've only known her a week but I can't help but feel drawn to her. "Give me your phone Y/N" Evan said then took it out of my hands, hitting the power button and revealed my screensaver, a picture of Lauren and I, Lauren's arm wrapped around my shoulders and my face hidden in her neck, I have to admit we are adorable and I just hope that they think that too.

"OH MY GOD" Evan shouted almost dropping phone causing Alex to rush over to him trying to get a good look at my screensaver.

"WHAT!!? STOP MOVING LET ME SEE" Alex shout snatching the phone out of his hands and pressed the power button, the screen turned on and Alex started squealing like a manic thus causing everyone to look at us once again...

Once she stopped being a weirdo she noticed that everyone was looking again so she yelled at them again causing them to look away quickly, she kept looking at the phone until I realized that she had unlocked it and was looking through my pictures, like dude I have private stuff in there, not like nudes or anything but like embarrassing selfies that I had never deleted. I snatched the phone from her hands and stuffed in back hoodie pocket and glared at them.

"She's hot" Is all Alex said then tried to get my phone again but I slapped her hands away

"Have ya'll fucked" Evan asked causing me to start choking on air, not sure how I did it but it happened.

They both started laughing at me and didn't even bother to attempt to help me so I sat there choking and trying to catch my breath, I'm sure my face was all red but I didn't care all I cared about was you know surviving the coughing fit.

"Okay, okay calm down Y/N I was joking" Evan said as he made his was over to me, patting my back.

"Good, Cause I was not gonna answer that" I said and they gasped "What?" I asked

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