Part 4

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I woke up to a shuffling sound and some talking, I'm pretty sure it was Lauren but other then that it was quite.

"Oh hey babe you woke up little early we're still in space" She said as I wiped my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepiness, once I finished wiping my eyes my vision was a little blurry as I looked at Lauren but it quickly focused and I could see clearly. "You awake now?" She asked with a giggle.

"Yeah" I said in my morning voice.

"You're cute when you sleep" She said then walked over to me and tried to plant a kiss on my lips but I quickly turned my head away due to morning breath.

"Morning breath" I whispered

"I don't care Y/N just let me kiss you" She whined and I shook my head

"It's gross" She shook her head and tried to kiss me again but only to be met with cheek.

"Y/N just one kiss" She asked and I finally gave in and pulled her in for a kiss.

Our kiss was pretty much a little peck on the lips but it was enjoyable, I pushed Lauren away when she tried to get more then that, and she just whined some more.

"Baby please" she whined "I want more kisses" I shook my head, What I really wanted to do was see the outside but she was blocking my way.

"Move I wanna see outside" I said and she nodded and went back to her seat, and just looked at me as I looked outside.

Space was really hard to explain, it was dark but bright at the same time if you understand what I mean, I could see all kinda of colors from reds to greens it was really strange.

It is like coming around a corner and seeing the most magnificent blue green sunset of your life, from one horizon to the other where it looks like the whole sky is on fire and there are all those colors, and the blue sun's rays look like some great painting up over your head. You just want to open your eyes wide and try to look around at the image, and just try and soak it up. It's like that all the time. It's like seeing an absolutely gorgeous person where you can't just help but stare. So pretty much space for me was like looking at Lauren, it felt like what I feel for her, it felt amazing.

I continued to admire space as Lauren admired me, I think I stared outside for about maybe an hour before Lauren got tried of just watching me, I guess she wanted to do something else?

She crawled onto my lap, straddling me then wrapped her arms around my neck all while she had this cute innocent look on her face.

"Hi Y/N" She smiled at me and I stuck my tongue out at her causing her to chuckle but she still leaned in to give me a kiss, almost planting her kiss on my tongue but I quickly retracted it and her kiss landed right on my lips.

Our little innocent kiss started to get heated but the I realized that I had morning breath and pushed her away, she pouted almost instantly, god that pout will be the death of me.

"Baby I don't care about your breath, I love you now let me kiss you" She almost demanded and I finally gave in once again and let her kiss me.

We kissed for a while well until a noise started well you know making noise, Lauren broke apart the kiss and went to go check on whatever that was.

"We'll be landing in about five minutes" She said and I immediately look out the window to see if I could see planet Harmony.

I could

And it was beautiful, It had several continents and had the bluest water, and the greenest places I have ever seen, from space it looked amazing.

"Beautiful right?" Lauren asked as she motioned for me to buckle up as she did the same.

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