Part 7

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Seven Years Later...

"Ethan hurry up we have to go!" I shouted to my son, he ran out of his room and gave me a smile.

"Ready mom" he said then grabbed a hold of my hand, I lead in out to the car where Lauren was waiting for us.

I helped Ethan get into the back seat then climbed into the passengers seat, Lauren leaned over to capture my lips and I let her, you could hear our son fake gag in the back and we just laughed.

Right now we were taking a trip to Earth to see how everything was doing on my birth Planet and since our son was five years old we thought that we would be old enough to remember this trip so why not?

We drove down to the same take off spot we had arrived at seven years ago, a few hours later we arrived at the spot and Ethan was fussing about wanting to get out of the car already, Lauren parked the car and we all climbed out, she took both of our hands and led us into the woods to the same clearing we hand landing in when we arrived all those years ago, she pulled her necklace out from under her shirt and unhooked the little cube from it, placing it on the ground then pulling out the button the makes the craft shrink and expand.

She pushed the button and the space craft grew in size, we haven't used this since I first came here so it's a little out dated but at least it still works, I hope.

As the space craft expanded to it's normal size Ethan watched in amazement as it expanded right before his eyes, it was quiet the sight to see.

I'm kinda wondering if my parents still live in the same house and if they do should I pay them a visit? Do you think that maybe now they will accept me and get meet their grandson? Cause you know if they don't like me and Lauren together then they don't get to meet Ethan, I think I'll talk to them and you know see how they're doing and see if maybe they changed their ways after I pretty much ran away with my soulmate.

Lauren went over and kissed my cheek before walking over to the space craft and placing her hand on it, unlocking it, we then climbed in and I guess there were chairs under the floor because Lauren had pulled one up for our son, we all sat down and buckled up, Lauren started up the ship and we started to go up in the air, it scared me a little cause I wasn't use to this I mean I only had been in this thing one time in real life.

We were now in space and Ethan was out of his seat just looking around and asking us questions that I had no clue what the answer was but surprisingly Lauren did, I'm not saying she's stupid or anything because she's one of the smartest people I know, it's just that the questions he was asking were really weird...

He eventually fell asleep in my arms and that's when Lauren and I got to talking.

"So babe are you going to see your parents?" She asked as she leaned into give me a peck on the lips

"I think I'll talk to them and if they've changed we could maybe let them meet Ethan?" I said sounding unsure about the whole situation.

"It's up to you Y/N" She said giving me a smile then looked back outside. "I forgot how pretty it was out here" She spoke then looked back at me for a reply

"Yeah it's so beautiful" I paused "Well not as beautiful as you" I added giving her a smirk as she blushed, I know even after seven years of being together I can still make her blush.

A couple of hours later we arrived in the clearing that was in the wood behind my house, we woke up Ethan and climbed out, Lauren shrunk the ship down to it's small size and we walked hand in hand with Ethan a little a head of us out of the woods.

We reached my old neighborhood and there were some people outside who I guess recognized me from when I was younger because I heard a few gasps.

"You ready to see your parents?" Lauren whispered in my ear and I nodded saying a 'yes'

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