Chapter 4: Becoming friends maybe?

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                                      I then saw my worst enemy. Then I said to myself it is totally battle time.  I saw her there beside the door blocking my way towards outside. Everyone froze immediately staring at her. Gumball ran towards her trying to stop her but before he could she grabbed him and said “You’re my Gumball!”  Now it’s my opportunity to show that vampy that I’m a total heroine.  I went running towards her and high kicked her.

                                                               She ended up hitting me and smashing me on the wall. Now my back hurts.  I try to see if Marshall was here but I couldn’t find him. It’s not like if I need help. It’s not like I love him or so. I got up and punch her right in the face. She screamed and drops Gumball. He starts screaming like a girl; I jump high in the air and catch him in my arms before he falls. Carrying him feels awkward so I held him down immediately.


                             She ran back towards me and was about to kill me. Suddenly someone ruined the moment ugh Marshall Lee. Why this was my battle moment. He was blocking me and the Ice Queen. “Stop it already can’t you live one day without having to get capture Gumball?!” he exclaimed. “No he is my Gumball and I want him!!!!“ she screamed.

                                                    I got ahead of Marshall Lee like if he wasn’t here and attacked. I kicked her and punched her. I got her and threw her to a wall. She then attacked me and I attacked back. After several moments of fighting her she ended up quitting and said “I’ll get revenge on you Fiona someday!” She left and everyone was just startled.  The whole place was destroyed and Gumball was furious.


                          “Everyone get out of here now the party is over!” Gumball said.  Everyone complained and went off. I saw Marshall giving me a smirk on his face. I felt like wiping that smirk of his face.  I simply ignored him and went off outside. I wanted to tear up but I can’t give him tears.

                                            I waited for Cake but she took forever because she was chatting with Lord Monochromicorn.  After waiting like forever I climbed on Cake and went home tearing up a little up.  She noticed it but decided to leave me alone like the lovely sister she is.  The next morning I woke up by Cake “Wake up sweetie pie its morning already.”


                            I fixed myself up looking decent and went downstairs. Cake was making breakfast and it smelled marvelous. Yummy! It was bacon and eggs. I ate while chatting to Cake about what happened last night with the exception of everything related to the jerk.  That’s all we talked about. After eating breakfast Cake left and she said she was going with Lord.

                                                           Damn I feel like she spends too much time with him. I feel left out. Anyway, I decided I’d stay home. Because I was still affected on what happened last night plus it suddenly started raining knives after Cake just left a while ago.  I hope she’s fine and then I remembered she bought her un destructive umbrella just in case it rained. 


                          I heard a knock on the door expecting nobody with this weather. It was 1:00p.m barely early afternoon. Hmm who would visit at this moment?  I opened the door a little bit noticing the jerk with a black umbrella. Before I could close the door he held it wide open.  He looked me in the eyes and said “Fiona I need to talk to you and can you please let me in its dangerous out here”.  I stared suspiciously at him thinking he was joking around. I closed the door but then again he entered to our house without permission.  He sat on the couch just floating around it.


                                   “What do you want?” I said in a kind of irritating voice.  “Fiona I’m sorry for being a jerk at you yesterday at the party. I didn’t mean to anger you like that and I’ve never meant to hurt you like that. I hope we can be friends and maybe even more” he said. With that last statement he wiggles his eyebrows.   I slap on his hand and turn around blushing red.


                                    What is happening to me why am I feeling this way? Ugh! I turned around and saw him smirking mischievously. That boy can seriously get on my nerves. “So Fiona can we be friends?” He wanted to be my friend after all he has done to me? We wanted to be even closer to me? Would everyone hate if I become his friend? Who knows what type of person he is. “No, can’t you just go away” i said. He frowned and said “But Fiona I want to be friends with you. I am not a bad person if you think that. Just accept please you won’t regret it.”  I didn’t want to be his friend but if I didn’t accept he would bother me until I said yes.


                        “Fine I will be your friend and I guess I overreacted a lot and I’m sorry I shouldn’t have treated you like that.” i apologized. “It’s okay Fi everyone makes mistakes and its kinda funny how you were at the dance. But I pardon you sometimes I also can’t control my feelings it’s natural and I really want to be your friend” he said. 

                            “Yeah it be cool if we were friends and I promise not to be like that anymore” i said. He hugged me. He whispered “Thank you” on my ear.  I started feeling his warm embrace but then reacted and pushed him off. “Eww get off of me and next time you do it I will kill you” i joked.  He backed away and started laughing. “If you want to be my friend don’t under any circumstances touch me you got it” i said.                            

                             “Okay Fiona I won’t okay no need to get all serious” he said as he puts his hands up. “Now get out of my house” i said as I pointed toward the door. He chuckled once again and left. But before he could go he said to me “Bye my little Fi see you later”. He is such a jerk sometimes.

             (A/N): Hi everyone its been a week since i've been on wattpad! I've noticed that my book has almost 100 reads that's amazing! I love you all! Comment,Vote,Fan,Love,Like,Add to your reading list,  read, and more! Anyways i gotta hurry i'm giving you 2 free chappys for the almost 100 reads! Gotta get workin bye! Love you!!!!!!!

                                                 -- LittleCuteNerd

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