Chapter 21: What a surprise!

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  • Dedicated to tyler oakley! :)




                                                I was sleeping peacefully in my bed without a complain. I was so tired and i didn't want to be bothered by anyone. As i was sleeping, i felt something on top of me. I expected it to be some creature and of course i was correct. Marshall woke up and sat on top of me. He grabbed a pillow and started hitting me with it while jumping on me. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up sleepy head!" He said screaming it to my ears.




                                                             I groaned "Ugh! No! Leave me alone!" i said. He smiled and started squashing me. I woke up kind of groggily and upset. "Let me sleep!" i said. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. I grabbed a pillow and hit him. "I have a surprise for you!" he said while smiling.




                                    I sighed and said "Next time you wake me up i'll kill you". He chuckled and smiled. "I don't think you'll be capable of that" Marshall said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and did my morning routine. When i finished he grabbed me unexpectedly and he carried me on his back. We went soaring into the air.




                                          "What is the surprise?" i asked curiosly. He chuckled "I can't tell you" he said. I grabbed him by the waist and we went flying. Suddenly, he grabbed me and threw me. I screamed while i was falling down. I watched as i horribly went flying down. He laughed and caught me. "You jerk! I could have died!" i said. He smirked "I would never let you fall. Even though you already fell for me."




                                                           I blushed and looked away instantly. "Wait, what if we get in trouble. I think we should go back to the house" i said. "Don' t worry about it. Cake and Flames went to go grocery shopping and Lord Monochromicorn is asleep. We won't get in trouble i promise you that." He said while looking into my eyes. I shly smiled and then we got to our destination.




                                                    He gently put me down and i looked around. We were in a beautiful place. There was flowers everywhere on the ground. The grass was soft and the scenery in front of us was amazing. In front of us was a huge mountain and the sky was a soft blue. Birds were chirping everywhere. Near us was a small little pond. The whole place looked calm. Spring surely bloomed here.




                                         Marshall sat down and patted the seat next to him. I sat down and smiled. "This place looks amazing!" i said gleefully. He wrapped his arm around me and pecked my cheek. I blushed and looked at him. He caressed my face and pulled me closer to him. He looked into my eyes and i looked at his. I felt like the world was stopping and that he was the only one i noticed. My heart was beating fast and my stomach had butterflies in it.

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