Chapter 25: Oh no!

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  • Dedicated to everyone <3




                           I woke up the next morning with someone squealing.  "Omg your awake! Finally!" Ely said. I stretched my arms and yawned. I turned around and went back to sleep but she shook me awake. I groaned and hit her with a pillow. "Let me sleep! Argh!" I said. She grabbed me and shook me some more.




                      "Heck No! Today's a nice day to accompany me to go shopping" she said with a squeal. I sighed in frustration. "I can't Ely. Today I want to go back to my home and see Marshall. Plus, if I do go shopping with you I will probably get recognized by Gumball and get kidnapped" I said.




                         "Well, how about if I change you a bit so you won't be recognized. We can go shopping and then you can see your boyfriend" she said. I felt weird when she said the word 'boyfriend'. Marshall and I weren't official boyfriend and girlfriend yet. We were barely going out which is level one of a relationship.  I sighed and said yes to her. She squealed once more and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled. I had finally gained a friend.




                  "Ely, what do you mean by 'change' ?" I asked. She wiggled her  eyebrows at me and gave me a mirror. I looked at myself. I looked so ugly. My hair looked like a birds nest and my face looked pale. I basically looked like a witch. "I am going to turn you into a beautiful human!" she said while gathering some stuff. My woman pride hurt because she just called me ugly.




              She ran towards me with a huge box. "I want you to go and brush your teeth and wash your face" she ordered. I stood up and did that. After I finished, I saw her opening the box. Inside the box was some make up, brushes, curling and straightening irons, bows, pins, and stuff that girls use. Once I saw the box, my eyes widened. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, and no!" I said while I shook my head. I don't want to be beautified.




               I just wanted to go like this ,but I knew that if I did then I would get recognized and  kidnapped. I hated the idea of girly things on me. I am just those types of girls that hate all that stuff. I am  a tomboy if you asked me. "Why?" Ely asked with a frown. "I just don't want to be beautified. I can just go like this and we are just going to go shopping its not like I have to look attractive " I said.




                 "Yeah but  you are going to be recognized when we go shopping. Also,you are also going to see Marshall and you have to look pretty. I've prepare a date for you guys" she said with a smile. "WHAT?!" I said in surprise. "I sended him a letter saying if you guys could have a date and he said yes. He said that he's going to set it all  up and that we have to be there by 5 p.m" Ely said. "Where's the place going to be at?" I asked.

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