The stars decide

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The attending allowed  one person only to enter the ICU room. Both Esther and Rebekah decided that it should be Sophie.

"You're his mom" Sophie said. "I mean- I get it if you want to"

Esther took Sophie's hand, "I am his mother, but you gave him strength that I could never. You go."

"Yeah" Rebekah slipped and Sophie nodde a little walking then to the ICU area.

Esther turned to Rebekah,"I saw Elena last night. When did she come back?"

"Last night." Rebekah said."I don't know all the details. I had no time to speak to them"

"I hope things will finally sort themselves out now," Esther said,"this family suffered enough"

"Something tells me it will be all right" Rebekah sighed, her heart beating hopefully.

In the Elejah residence, time seemed to stood still as Elijah heard  Elena mention the pregnancy. It was not something he would have thought he'd be hearing at all. And he looked at Elena speechless.

Elena looked back at him nodding in confirmation, putting her phone on the counter,"I am. I am pregnant!"

"You are?" Elijah said still not grasping the reality of it all.

"You're not happy?" Elena uttered tearing up a bit now.

"Oh, Elena," he came towards her feeling a bubbly rush to his head,"how can you think that? I am. Of course, I am,"  he caressed her face,"I am. Very."

She could see exhaustion but also bliss in his eyes. She glued herself onto him as they locked in an embrace.

"For a moment there I thought" Elena started but stopped.

He stroke her head gently."For a moment I - it was unreal. So much had happened lately-"

Elena still locked in his embraced gulped a bit."Yes. Like we were on a spinning wheel. You try to get off it but you can't."

He moved out of the hug a little and looked at her streaming a mix of different emotions.

"A carousel- yeah- the one that is beautiful at first but then it looks like it turns into horror. This is the most amazing news- and it's like the light that I had been waiting for such a long time, and it had already come to me when you woke up. When you were will still mine even though you looked at me with the eyes seeing a stranger in front of you. And I will come out as the most unsensitive asshole right now- today of all days- after this great news-" he paused for a second. "No, not now."

He caressed her face gently again. But Elena was no fool, she messed up, she acted on a misguided impulse and hurt the person she had loved more than life.


A few days before, in California

Elena sat down the beach and opened randomly a page of a book with different quotes from movies, books, essays. And there was one

 And there was one

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