Being saved

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Lillie felt like she was being thrown. She hit something hard and she sat up. There was only darkness she could see. She started to get nervous.

"Where am I?" Lillie asked. She heard footsteps and some kind of squishy noise around her. Nobody answered her question.

"Smee, bring her to me," Captain Hook said.
"Right away, captain," Smee said.

Lillie felt the ground leave her and being swung over somewhere. A few seconds later, she felt the hard ground under her again.

Some light came in the bag. Lillie looked up to Captain Hook. "Stand up," he said.

Lillie stood up without hesitation. She looked at where she was. Lillie was on the Jolly Roger. Everyone was cleaning the deck with mops.

"Why am I here?" Lillie asked. She then rubbed her arm. It was numb since she was being thrown around everywhere.

"We need an extra hand around here," Captain Hook said.
"Why can't you do it?" Lillie asked.
"I'm captain. Captains only make sure that everyone is doing their job."

Lillie looked at her arm. She couldn't feel it and the parts she could see of her arm weren't white. "I can't even feel my arm," she said.

"Well too bad. Smee, go get her a sponge," Captain Hook said.

Smee came back with a sponge and handed it to Lillie. She grabbed it with her left hand, since she could feel and move it.

"What do you want me to do with this?" She asked. She looked at Captain Hook and he just stared at the sponge, like it was supposed to strake Lillie right now.

"Clean, of course," he said.
"Clean what?"
"The deck"

Lillie went down to the deck. She sat and started to scrub. At least it's not life threatening, Lillie thought.
Peter went to a tree he found odd. Two leaves were torn off and a little blood was there. Lillie must have been here, he thought, now I wonder where she went.

He found some footprints leading to an open area. More footprints circled around the ones Peter was following.
He followed the big footsteps to the shore.

That must be where she is, Peter thought. He looked at the Jolly Roger. "I better get the lost boys," Peter whispered.
Lillie could barely balance herself. She couldn't use her right arm since she couldn't feel it. I wonder if Peter is going to come find me, she thought. The sun was going down, leaving a beautiful sunset.

Lillie stared at the sunset. It was so beautiful. Then she saw a shadow. What? She thought. The shadow flew over her again.

Lillie looked up and saw Peter flying around the Jolly Roger. He landed in front of Captain Hook with his tiny wooden sword in hand.

Lillie looked for a way off the ship. When there was no way off that she could see, Lillie got up to her feet. It was a struggle, but she managed to do it.

She went to the edge of the ship and jumped off.
Peter heard a splash and looked to where Lillie was. She was gone. Peter flew up and looked around the ship. Lillie must have jumped off, he thought.

He flew over to see where she was now.
Lillie's leaf bandage came off as she was swimming. She looked at her arm and it scared her. It will not be easy to hide it, she thought.
Hello. Thank you for reading this part. I am excited that I was at 21 reads then the next morning 46. It makes me happy that people are reading this book. Comment any ideas and hit that star. Bye. :)

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