Leaving Neverland

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Lillie woke up. Feeling like this was the worst decision she ever made, she still had Tink to school. Ugh. School.

She hated school. Everyone made fun of her. What would she tell them when she gets home? That she spent the whole summer with her dad?

She didn't know what to say. Tink was with her and looking a but blue. Literally. Her color went from a yellow glow to a light blue glow.

Lillie went outside and met Peter right when she stepped out. She didn't say anything, but she hugged him.

It took a while to say goodbye to everyone. Peter, Lillie, and Tink went outside. Lillie was sprinkled with pixie dust and they set off.

It was warm when they got out of Neverland. Nobody said anything. Lillie flew over the houses until she found her dads.

She looked in her window and bags were already packed. How? Lillie thought.

They went inside Lillie's room and Lillie started to speak.

"I'm going to miss you," she said.
"Of course you are. I will miss you too. You at least have someone with you," Peter said. He pointed at Tinkerbell at the end of his sentence.
"Yeah. It will be nice to have her with me."
"What are you doing next?"
"School," Lillie said. She rolled her eyes and Peter laughed.

They hugged for one last time. It was the saddest moment Lille ever has been in. Not even when her parents got divorced, or any death in the family would beat this sad moment.

It felt like years that they were hugging. Lillie let go after a while and said goodbye for one last time. She started to cry.

Peter left, without looking back. Lillie sat down on her bed. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Tink stayed with her for the rest of the night.

That next day Lillie went to her moms house. Tink was with her everywhere. Even when school started, Tink went there with her. Lillie misses Peter every day. She looked at Neverland every night.
Hello. I am sorry that this happened. I almost cried writing this part. Just reminding you, there is a second book. I will have the first five parts out soon. Hope you guys liked this book. I will miss writing it. Bye. See ya in the next book.

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