Chapter 1

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"Oh come on wake up Hailey, you will be late for school": screamed my mom from her bedroom
"Okay!": I replied getting up from my bed

Today is my last day of school here. My mom got a job in USA as a nurse at some big hospital, I was so excited I didn't even ask which hospital Ugh I'll see it when we get there

I took a quick shower and wore my favourite pair of blue jeans, with a black tank top and my Adidas sneakers. I'm not one who dresses up for school, anyway who cares what I wear, I'm not miss popular. I made my lunch and waited outside for my bus.

*At School*
"Hey Hailey, wait up": A familiar voice called out from behind me.
I turned around to see my best friend Breë. She said bye to her bus mates and hurried over to me
"Hey, how are you": I say leaning to give her a hug.

Breë has been my friend since 2nd grade, she knows everything there is about me, even the wrong and bad stuff but she has never left me. We have always been the same class, we do the same subjects and we enjoy the same things. She is like my twin but we don't look alike. We were both born in July but I on the 4th and her on the 22nd. People say we friends because of the crazy things we do.

"I can't believe we won't be together for our last year": she said as we walked to our lockers
"I know but that's just how it is": I replied
"Ugh man who will go crazy with me, when you not here": she said with a sad tone
"Oh come on, you have Grace and thee others, plus yuu good with making new friends you won't be lonely for long or even be lonely at all": I replied

She nodded in agreement and we walked the rest of the way in silence. Her locker is five lockers away from mine so she stood by mine as I took out my books for our first class and we walked over to hers.

"I heard Mrs. Smith won't be here today, so we won't have English today": I told her
She did a little happy dance and we then laughed together. That lady was pain in our assess, even though its the last day today she would've made us work or even write a test. That woman needs a social life for real, all she does is work.

The bell rang for our first class. We walked to class.

*At Lunch*
We sat at our usual table with the rest of our friends. Everyone was engaging in a conversation with the person next to them. We took our lunches and we shared with each other like we always do. We always shared our lunch since middle school. We met then and we went to the same High school. None of us have left the group and Imma be the first to leave. I haven't told them yet and I hope Breë hasn't said anything. I will tell them over the summer

"Hailey!": Sharney called
"Yes!": I turned around to look at her
"Brandon said I should tell you he misses you": she said
"Ncooo tell him I miss too": I replied

Everyone stared at me and Sharney. I know what they thinking, why would Brandon, Sharney's hot, fine cousin be saying he misses me.

"No we not dating": I quickly said to them
Then they all sighed a sigh of relief then went back to their little conversations. Sharney and I laughed.

The bell rang for the end of our lunch break. We packed our things and walked together to our lockers to take our bags. Since it was the last day, we were having a half day at school. We went to our homeroom and sat our seats awaiting our teacher with our report cards

"I won't lie, I'm afraid": Grace said
"I should be afraid not you": Breë said to her

Grace is the smartest of us three. She always gets good grades, she has never had a F on any of her tests not even a D. As for Breë and I we are just average learners. We try so hard to keep up with Grace but she is just too smart. That's a good thing though.

Our teacher got into the class and everyone stopped doing what they were doing and waited for the teacher to call out their names so they could collect their report cards. My heart starting pounding fast. I just can't wait to see how I did this time. I know I did good though.

"Hailey Roberts!"
I got up from my chair and took my report card then signed next to my name on the class list.
"Thank you": I said then went back to my seat

I waited for the others to receive theirs. When we all had our report cards, we walked to the nearest mall and hanged out there. We didn't take any cars because only Sharney, Cassey and Jennifer had cars, we wouldn't all fit in there so we just walked plus its great exercise. Most of our schoolmates walk there anyway.

We from shop to shop, trying on clothes and stuff. Not forgetting to take lots of pictures, our stories on Snapchat needed updating. We went to get some ice cream at Milky Lane. We were having so much fun we didn't even realise it was getting late. My mom must be worried, so I texted her and told her Imma be late.

Jessica and I lived in the same neighbourhood. We said goodbye to the others and went out to catch a cab. We got one and rode together. We were silent the whole way. I got home first and went straight to bed. I was super exhausted. I layed on my bed and fell asleep.

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