Chapter 17

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I walked into the house and found my mom standing by the kitchen counter talking on her phone. I waited for her to finish talked. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped all of it.

"Hailey, is this the right time to be coming back from God knows where?"

"No" I reply sitting on of the chairs by the kitchen counter

"Okay. Did you say thank yuu to your dad for the car?"

"He wasn't answering his phone. Is that all yuu are gonna say? I came home late for Goodness sake" I say

"There is no point in shouting at yuu. I'm off to work. I sent money to your account, go buy clothes for school. Remember next Thursday schools are opening"

I groan at the thought of going to school. "Okay bye". I walk upstairs and throw myself onto the bed and sleep.

12 pm

I woke up with my head banging. Not really banging buh super painful. I rolled over and checked my phone for messages

Jamie : Hello Ma. Have yuu already forgotten about me?

Breë😝 : OMJ who are those niggas in your story. Already have a boyfriend?

Grace💟 : OMJ Evan is so cute. Is he your boyfriend?

Evan : OMG I can't believe you put that on your story. Imma kill yuu

Emily : We need to talk, may I come by at 1pm

Joey : Thank you for driving me home safely. See you again tonight yeah mommy?

To Joey : I can't party again tonight my head hurts like crazy

To Emily : Sure Boo, anything

To Evan : Haha I love it and my friends do to

To Grace💟 : Haha so quickly though. He is my new bestie

To Breë😝 : Haha not yet

Jamie : No, been preparing for school and enjoying summer.

OMJ Emily will be here any minute now. I get of my bed and walk to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I went back to my room and looked for something to wear.

I took out a ripped pair of jeans and a tank top. I wore my flip flops and went downstairs. I made myself a little sandwich and chow it down quickly, while making pop corn for Emily and I.

As I was about to pour us sodas I hear the door bell. I walk to the front door and open it for her.

"Hey how are you" she says leaning in for a hug

I hug her back "I'm fine thanx and yuu"

"I'm okay"

"Well come in"

" Thank you" she says and I close the door behind her. I walk her to the living room.

"So, what's up" I say walking to the kitchen to fetch our popcorn and sodas. I put them on the table in front of us.

"As you have seen, Josh and I kissed"

"Yes?" I say handing her, her soda

"Well he likes me" she says


"He has a girlfriend"

"Oh no. Did yuu know that from before or yuu just found out now?"

"I knew from the start, buh I couldn't resist him, he is just so perfect"

"Emily yuu need to leave him or yuu'll get hurt"

"I knew yuu'd say that buh we like each other"

"I know yuu do buh its for your own good dear, Yuu'll thank me later"

"Yeah yuu're right. I won't get myself into a 3 way relationship buh please don't tell Evan about this"

"I won't, I swear."

"Thanks. I saw your story last night where were yuu?"

"At this club with some guy I met a few weeks ago"

"Oh. You already meeting guys, My brother needs to up his game"

"Hold up! What do yuu mean!?"

"Oh nothing. Would yuu look at the time its 4pm. I need to see Josh in an hour"

"Okay cool. Yuu can go I will pack up here"

She says goodbye and walks herself to the door. I realised I haven't went shopping and mommy wants to see my new clothes for sure.

I go upstairs, wear my vans sneakers, grabbed my car keys and purse. Went downstairs, put our dishes in the dishwasher and headed out.

30 minutes later

I was at the mall, looking for a parking spot. When I finally found one some jerk quickly on in my space. I decided to just leave him and look for another. Thamkfully a car was coming out and I parked where they had parked after they left.

I went inside the mall and went straight to H&M. I bought a few things and just walked around buying wuhever seemed nice. I stopped and went to starbucks. Bought my favourite vanilla frappuccino.

I put my bags in the car and went on shopping. After a couple of hours I was getting bored. So I decided to call Joey.

Joey : Hey what's up?

Me : yuu said something about party tonight

Joey : yeah sure, Wanna come with?

Me : Yeah buh m currently at the mall

Joey : I'll pick yuu up at 22:00 then

Me : Sure thing, bye

Joey : bye

I hung up the phone and headed to my car. I drove back home not looking back.

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