And they say shes in the class A Team

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Whilst laying down on the floor,Angela looks up at the sky-black matter all over her face. With one huff of cocaine,she became whole again. She forced a smile upon her face and put on random high heels. She didn't know who's they were but they were pretty. She smiled to herself in the mirror before walking downstairs,wiping away any evidence of sadness with her thumb.

Downstairs,a very attractive blonde and brunette were waiting. Zayn was sitting in his usual black tie attire,his expression tired. Angela immediately felt bad for waking him up so early,but the feeling went away as jealousy boiled inside her.

"Hi,I'm Perrie."

"Angela," she says,sounding hostile. She shakes the blonde's hand with a fake smile. Her mind wonders who she was while her heart was thumping feverishly. She wanted to stab the beautiful blonde.

"I'm Zayn's friend."

"Well I'm Zayn's special friend." Angela replies childishly,earning a look from Zayn.

"Perrie is going to take you shopping." Zayn says,not catching Angela's attention. She was staring at the blonde with a look so fierce,it could kill.

"Perrie is also gay." That,however,got her attention. Weight is suddenly lifted off of Angela's shoulders and magically lifted onto Perrie. Perrie hoped the girl wouldn't judge; the ditzy brunette with dazzling blue eyes was harmless. She didn't say a word.


"Thank you so much for taking me shopping." Angela smiles her beautiful smile. Perrie nods her head,returning the grin.

Both girls leave the car and enter the big,black building with the world Empire in big letters. They walk into the elevator and seconds later,arrive into Zayn's big apartment. Zayn,who was very tired,was making pasta for Angela for he knew it was her favorite.

"Bye,Pezza. Again,thank you so much."

"No problem,A." Both girls hug then Perrie leaves the apartment,sending Zayn a good bye wave. Angela sighs loudly,sitting on one of the stools before the island table-in the kitchen.

"How was it?"

"It hurt like hell. She took me to a salon and they plucked and groomed and..ugh. It hurt so much."

"On the bright side,now your outside matches your inside. Beautiful."

"T-thank you." She mumbles,slightly annoyed because Zayn lied to her. She didn't believe she was beautiful and she hated liars. She didn't like confrontation so instead of saying something,she sat down quietly .

"Zayn..what does A Team mean?" She asked quietly,still confused as to why they called her an A Team freak.

"Some drugs are entitled as a "Class A drug'. Why?"

"B-because..I was just curious."

"Who called you that?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Tell me." Zayn presses gently,making tears fall out of her eyes.

"I don't mean to be a freak..I can't help it." She cries. "Um..Sandra. Her name was Sandra. She works at the salon."

"She'll be fired by tomorrow."

"No! Don't.. Don't do that Zayn. She's a horrible person and has to live with that. That's enough punishment as it is."

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