Stuck in her daydream. Been this way since eighteen.

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"What's wrong?" Zayn asks obnoxiously,making the girl even more mad. She continues to walk fast along the streets of Italy,a big scowl on her face.

"Fucking answer me,Angela!" The intoxicated Zayn yells before catching up to her. Spencer's jacket was in his hands; he put it over her shoulders,still clueless as to what he did wrong.


"What!? Oh my gosh you're so irritating. I don't want to talk to you so can you fuck off already."

"No I'm not going to fuck off. Tell me why you're mad so I can make it better."

"You know I don't like this yet you insist that I go to these things..I understand that your world is different than mine and that it's not your fault but can't I take a break. You say I'm your girlfriend and that you "love me" yet you don't really know me and on top of that,when I say stop,fucking stop. If you touch Spencer's jacket again and I'll cut off your hand. Do you understand?" Angela fumes,not believing Zayn took the jacket off of her.

"He's not coming back. Why can't you just let it go? Your mine now so take it off already." Zayn interjects selfishly.

"Did you ever ask me to be yours? No,you just assumed. I'm Spencer's. I always will be Spencer's. You're so..obnoxious and arrogant and possessive and I hate y-those things about you."

"Atleast I'm not a slut."

"What did you just call me?" She asks,furious as to what she heard.

"You cry too much and are so fucking annoying." Zayn says,every word sending daggers into a Angela's heart. Tears fill in her eyes but she refuses to let them fall.

"If I'm so fucking annoying then leave already. We all knew this was bound to happen." Angela says angrily,stomping away from Zayn and towards the beach.

"You're not leaving." Zayn says,hand wrapped around her tiny wrist. He yanks her towards him,her body leaning against his. Her eyes lock with Zayn's. His eyes were empty and weren't shinning like they used to.

"Let go of me!" She shrieks,hitting his chest as he hugs her even closer towards him. "Let me go!" She yells once again,tears in her eyes.

"Hey,let go of her,mate!" A boy with golden blonde hair says,walking towards him.

"Fuck off,mate." Zayn seethes,the alcohol becoming too much. He was infuriated and drunk. The worst combination.

"I said let.her.go." The Irish man retorted angrily,pushing Zayn's shoulders. A big mistake. Zayn punches the blonde in the jaw,not being able to control his anger. Angela yelled and tried to take Zayn off of the blonde but it was too hard. She was too small. She was so small that when Zayn was about hit the man yet again,he elbowed her near her left eye.

Angela's quiet sobbing stopped Zayn. Once he turned around,the girl was crying,hand over left eye. Zayn crawled over to her,cupping her face gently as he stared at the beautiful girl. Her eyes were filled with tears,lips trembling.

"Please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean to hurt you..I just get so angry. I promise it won't happen again." He says,truth behind his words.

"You-you almost killed him,Zayn. He's..he was just trying to help."

Zayn was astonished by her selflessness. He kissed her forehead then stood up,calling his bodyguard ,who's name was Liam,to take care of the boy. Liam arrived shortly and took the blonde to the nearest ambulance,feeling pity wave over him. He felt bad for the boy. But he couldn't do anything to help. He knew that.

"Angela,you know I love you,right?"


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