Mark had the abillity to handle fast and just alway knowing what to do. Only he was lomp and had a short tempare. He cursed allot and somehow always stayed calm. He was the right person to motivate you and maybe even a friend. In Jack you could also find a friend, but in a diffrent way. For the game Mark's fast reaction was needed. He had to do the fast games.
Mark looked whit a hastly look to his girlfriend and slimed. She was beautifull. Today was it excaccly tree years ago that they had met. They would celebrate it with a special diner and maybe he would ask her. He had the ring ready and all. Still he was to shy to just ask, But maybe today was diffrent. Mark looked nervously to his watch. It almost was six o' clock. Time to begin the evening. "Amy?"he asked softly. His girlfriend looked up and looked at him questionning. "You know what day it is today?" he asked. She nodded and took his hand. "If you don't want to go out, we can stay here and order pizza." She said. Mark shook his head. No, they had to go out for diner. Amy shrugged. "Whatever you want. I am going to make myself ready." whit those words she stood up from her place. Mark also stood and walked to his bedroom. When he was ready, he had the feeling of being watched. He turned around to look and saw that Amy was staring at him. She blushed when she was busted and Mark gigled. Amy didn't look bad herself. Mark was proud to call himself her boyfriend. They walked together out the frontdoor when Mark's mobile ringed. He looked at the scream and saw that it was an unknown number. He hesitated to look at it. He putted his mobile back in his pocket and walked to his car. The drive to the restaurant went peacefully and without any accidents. Mark's mobile began to scream again when they stood still by a trafficligth. This time Mark looked. It was the same number again and there was a sort of choicemenu attached to it.
Do you wanne play a game?
You have 20 seconds to awnser.
There came a couple of gamerules and dissappeard later. Mark looked at Amy, but she didn't seem to know what was going on. Again he had the feelling of being watched. This time he know where it came from. He looked at a securitycamera next to the tafficlight and stook his tounge out. The camera moved a bit and seemed to zoom in on the car. Mark looked at his telefoon. It began to count down. 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10...Have you made up your mind already, Mark? Mark surely hadn't make up his mind. He absolutly didn't wanna play this game that his phone had made up for him. Technology isn't what it was suppossed to be. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Are you sure you don't wanna play? Than I wil give you a reason. there appaired a very untastefull image on the screan. There sat Mark's brother, mother, Bob and Wade. All were tied up with chains against the wall. They looked at their worst. Mark didn't better than to click 'Yes' and save his friends and family.
You Saw Nothing- A Youtuber AU/SAW-fanfiction (Completed)
Terror'Let's play a little game.' said his deep voice. He hadn't really A voice. More A taperecording that sometimes crashed. He didn't feel no mercy. He was out on blood and revenge. His little puppetbody was neetly attatched with robes on his little red...