Chapter Four.

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Toxic: Ch. 4

"Dude, that's fucking ugly."

I scowled Zanos as he tried on the next outfit from his closet. "I don't know who bought you that shirt, but you must burn it to save the eyes of others." I nodded affirmatively and he rolled his eyes. "You bought it Dominic, remember?" I put my hand on my chin and thought. "If I did, I must've been really high off of something that day cause that shit is HIDEOUS!" I cackled and he threw the shirt at me.

"So how's it going with your babysitter?" He smirked at me and I glared. "I feel like he has a problem with me." I stated and Zanos sat down next to me on his bed. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" He questioned and I face planted the bed. "Because he never wants to have a conversation. He's always so standoffish but yet and still when you guys come around, he shines up like its fucking Christmas!" I groaned out and he chuckled.

"Maybe he likes us better than you." He shrugged and I glared. "I'm the great Dominic James Kaylor, everyone likes me, man. And if that was the case, why in the hell did he volunteer to be my bodyguard when there are like a million other idiots with no time on their hands to watch me?" I threw my hands up in the air. "I could've moved to a different place. It's literally is not that hard." I deadpanned.

"Maybe Nikolai isn't comfortable around you. I don't know what that man is thinking." Zanos replied and I shuddered. "He's so fucking creepy! I'm afraid to fall asleep around him because what if I wake up and he's standing over with a knife in his hands?" I gasped and sat up. "What if that was the reason why he's so adamant about staying with me? Maybe he wants to kill me and feast on my bones!" I whispered in horror. "That's too bad. I'm too tasty for his teeth to handle."

Zanos shook his head whilst rolling his eyes. "I'm sure that's not the case and you're just being dramatic again, Dominic. Just ask him about it if he scares you so much." I shook my head at him repeatedly. "What if that makes him mad? What if he decides to kill me right then and there? I won't even get to say goodbye. Oh my poor Eli, what if Nikolai has a Lolita complex? My poor Eli won't be able to fight him off!" I groaned in horror.

"Eli is four and a boy."

I smacked Zanos in the arm. "Who gives a rat's ass? What if he wanted Eli all this time and he's just doing his get closer to him?" I stood and paced the room. "No, I will not let that evil man touch my precious child." I nodded with a glare on my face. "He will have to go through me to get to my baby and I am not going down without a fight!" I thought of battle strategies in my head.

"He has Eli calling him Mr. Niko and next thing you know, he'll be screaming his name and not in the good way." I folded my arms and tapped my foot anxiously. "Yeah, except he sees Eli as a son and he's not that big of a pervert." My best friend smirked at me.

"Can you please become my bodyguard?" I pleaded with me and he declined. "No. I have places to be." He stated and I scoffed. "More like on Alejandro's dick." I snorted and his eyes narrowed at me. "You know it's true!" I sputtered out and he threw a pillow at me. "You need a filter on your mouth, homeboy." Zanos said and I moaned out in protest.

"Make him get away from Eli and I! He scares me half to death! Zanos, the next time you may see me, I'll be on the news with my dead body wheeling out of my house on a gurney!" I screeched. "Why the hell are you so damn dumb?" He let out a breath of hair and I got up, pulling his collar. "Do you want me to die at the hands of Nikolai Culkin? I WILL DIE!" I screamed in his face and he smacked my hands away. "That's great and all. Do I have to pay for the funeral?"

I slapped my hand to my face and let out a loud sigh. "It's official. Everyone wants me to die. I'm going to go home now and prepare for my death." I nodded to myself as I slipped on my shoes. "You're overreacting, bro. Nikolai sees you as a friend. He just likes to listen to you talk. Don't know why though, you're annoying." Zanos pushed me out of his room and down the steps. "Zanos, I just want to thank you for being the bestest friend I've ever had and I love you so much for everything you do for me." I spat out and pulled him into a tight hug.

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