Chapter Fourteen.

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Nikolai Culkin makes his appearance next chapter and trust me, he won't be happy.

Toxic: Ch. 14

"Fuck, did Thor come and kick my ass?" I groaned out as I tried to sit up. I was dumbfounded when I saw that my hands were tied around a chair and my ankles were tied to the leg of the chair.

"The fuck?" I scrambled my brain for any indication as to why I was here but I got nothing. "Who did I piss off?" I asked myself but a sudden sound startled my movements.

"Took you forever to wake up, Sleeping Beauty." I heard a sigh. "I was starting to think that I was gonna have to kill Eli for you to show up." Someone groaned and my eyes widened at the realization of the voice.

"K-Kary?" I stammered out as she came into the only source of light in the dim room. "Long time, no see Dominic." She grinned but I was disgusted by the sight of her blackened teeth.

This person that I was seeing now, was not the same Kary Miller I knew back at East Highland High. She had changed. Her short, silky hair was now uneven with split ends and it looked unkept. Her once luminous blue eyes now looked dull and boring. She wasn't the same girl I knew.

"Why am I here?" I asked with a venemous tone. I knew I shouldn't have ventured into enemy territory but these bitches had my son and I didn't trust either of them with him. "No, you don't get to ask questions." She snarled with hatred in her tone. "But I will appease you. You're here because you owe me something." I was confused.

Why would she hate me when I've done nothing but try to help her? I mean, I didn't let her see her son but she's the one who gave him up to me. Why would she be mad over a decision that she made?

"What are you talking about?" I raised my brow. "As far as I'm concerned, I owe you nothing." I stated and fire raged in her eyes and she stomped the ground. "That's where you're wrong, Dominic Kaylor!" She yelled, and I flinched at the animosity in her voice.

It smelled like sweat and dried dead bodies and the breath of her mouth wasn't helping at all. This was not a situation Dominic the Great should have to experience.

But your son was here.

Oh, yeah. "Why is Eli here?" I demanded to know. "We signed an agreement that stated that you were no longer allowed to go near Eli. Are you really that fucking low that you want to go to jail so bad because trust me, I'll do it without a second thought." I glared at her with all the hate I could muster.

How fucking dare she bring my son into something he has no business in? How dare she go near him? She was the one who gave him up. Why is she suddenly trying to play mommy.

Maybe she wanted to fix her mistakes.

Bullshit. I'd rather believe my 84 year old grandmother rose from the fucking dead than this shit. It was Kary Miller we were talking about. She wasn't the type to fix what she had lost. Then suddenly, I felt fire rising in my arm and my blood gurgled as it gushed out of the small wound in my arm. "Ah, FUCK!" I let out a holler as I looked down at the hole in my arm.

She fucking shot me.

"Oops," She mocked as she blew the air from the gun. "You aren't in a position to daydream." She smirked at my hissing. This hurt like hell. How does Zanos deal with this on a daily basis? "Well, I guess you weren't aware that I do what the hell I want." I growled back at her. Did she suddenly expect me to compliant all tied up in this chair?

Hell no.

The thought of Trent still in the car outside came to mind. I hope he realized something was amiss and went to go tell someone, preferably Nikolai. I knew Nikolai was going to be pissed to the heavens and back because I ignored him all day and to find out that I was in danger, that wouldn't be pretty.

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