This Horror of an Image

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Before I fell asleep

I remembered something

I remembered as a child I would fall asleep by rocking back and forth

And I would say "mommy I need you"

But I wouldn't need her

So after I remembered that

I tried it

But it didn't work

Then I said "mommy come and save me"


I'm not sure

Then an image came upon my mind

It was writing,

In a notebook, on the walls

And on my back

In red, bloody, thin, tall, scary letters

In the notebook it read "mommy I need you"

On the wall it said "save me"

And on my back it said "help"

But on my back, it was as if I actually was calling for help

I felt as if someone had used a knife and stabbed me with it

Just so they could write that

Here I am writing this poem


I have no idea,
I just needed to tell people about this horror of an image.

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