We're loosing each other

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I don't know what to tell you anymore

You tell me you love me

But I still can't see it

I tell you I love you

Can you see my love at all?


Ah, I word that I don't receive or give enough

You say you can trust me

You've said it so many times

Through texts.

A text is just a text, right?

No one knows if you're lying or not

I know,

Oh I fucking know

That you're hiding something from me

I come to you for everything

To rant

To express my feelings

E v e r y t h i n g.

But I don't see you do the same

And I tell you "please come to me when you need someone to be there for you"

I'm your girlfriend

I don't want this relationship to end

I need you to trust me

Because I'm slowly giving up on you

Don't let me give up anymore

Please don't let me give up on you

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