Foot Massage
Massaging the feet can be a delightful and relaxing experience. Massage helps to soothe sore and tired feet by improving the circulation. The massage is even more pleasurable if you use a herbal oil or body lotion. Concentrate on tender areas on the sole, heel, and side of the foot, especially if the feet have been rubbed by shoes that don't fit properly.
Exercises for the Feet
Feet spend much of their time squeezed into shoes so it is hardly surprising that they become sore and tired. Exercising them regularly will refresh them as it improves the circulation. One of the simplest and most effective forms of exercise is to walk barefoot. This natural exercise helps tone the whole foot. Exercise sandals can also be beneficial but some people find that wearing them for long periods can cause cramp in the feet and legs. An unusual and effective form of exercise for the feet is to put a layer of dried peas inside a pair of old shoes and then to walk in them for as long as you can bear!
· Massage the ball of the foot with both hands using firm, circular movements. Then massage the instep and then the heel.
Press each toe firmly between the thumb and forefinger of one hand.
Again, using thumb and forefinger press firmly between the bones at the base of the toes.
Clasp your toes with your hand, and bend them toward you. Then release them and repeat.
Slip your fingers between your toes, as illustrated. Bend your foot down, and then push it up.
Use both hands to pull each toe gently away from the next one.
Some Useful Exercises
· Stand barefoot with your feet together. Raise yourself slowly up onto your toes and down again. Repeat.
Sit on a chair with your legs crossed and one foot on the ground. Rotate the other foot from the ankle, first one way and then the other. Change your legs over and repeat the exercise.
Stand barefoot on the edge of a big book. Curl your toes down over the edge, and grip as hard as you can. Relax and repeat.
Sit on a chair with your legs stretched out in front of you and your feet raised from the floor. Move your feet up and down from the ankles.
First clench your toes into a fist, and then try to spread them to make a fan. Relax. Then try to pick up a pencil with your toes.
Lie on the floor with your feet against a wall. Use your toes to "walk" as far up the wall as you can. Stay in that position and relax for one minute. Walk down again. Relax and repeat.
Your feet need and deserve a regular pedicure. They receive very rough treatment and will certainly benefit from any extra care you give them. Finding time once every two weeks to give them a full pedicure, will increase your comfort and will certainly improve the appearance of your feet.
A professional pedicure is a real treat but with a little practice it is possible to achieve good results on your own feet at home.
You will find that a pedicure is particularly valuable when summer sandals reveal feet that have spent the winter in warm tights and heavy shoes. Choose nail polish colors carefully; pale pinks that tone with the skin and more flattering than vivid reds or purples.
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