Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Eleven Years Later

Lisa's POV

It's the end of September and my little sister, Megan, started high school. She is in for her worse. I have so much more to worry about now, besides work. Today she came home later than usual. I was a mess, thinking something terrible happened to her.

"Megan. Where the HELL are you? Answer your damn phone." I yelled. This little girl is becoming to be too much for me. I wish mom was still alive maybe she could have gave me some words of wisdom on how to deal with horny teenage girls. When the door opened Megan came in with a whole bunch of other girls laughing. I looked at her and crossed my arms.

"Hey, Lisa. What's up?" Megan said calmly.

"What the hell do you mean by 'what's up'? Where the hell were you? I called you like 10 times."

"Lisa, chill. I just had cheerleading tryouts today. And guess what? I got in. Maybe Isaiah will notice me as more than a friend.

"Who the hell is Isaiah? I told you no dating until you're a junior. And you just started high school. Don't you think you should focus on school rather than how your 'friend' tingles around every sexy looking guy?"

"Girls, I think you should go. Seems like my sister has a way of embarrassing me everywhere she goes." She showed her friends the way out, closed the door, and glared at me. "Why must you make my life a living hell?"

"Because I'm the only one here for you. I can't have you out there getting raped or murdered."

"Just cause you got raped doesn't mean it will happen to me! God, anyway not all boys want one thing!" And she stormed off upstairs. 

As the words sat there, I felt the terrible memories fading back in. Her words cut me like a knife. She knew how to throw low blows, like the little bitch who taught But she can't be that naive. All men are the same, no matter the age. 

"Megan!" I called as I walked up the stairs.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed. When I got to her room door I opened it and said, "I won't unless you tell me who Isaiah is."

"That's the thing Lisa. I don't have to tell you who he is. After momma died you act like you're my new mother, but you're not. You're my sister and I can make my own decisions."

Again, her words hurt but it was my job as her older sister to know what goes on in her life. "Okay. So what if I said, if I meet Isaiah and he's a genuine guy then you can date him." Her eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning. "Are you for real? Or are you just saying this?"

"Girl I'm for real, Plus if I don't let you date you're gonna do it behind my back anyway."

"True. Well I'll tell you what I know. He's a sophomore. He's on the football team. Apparently every guy in his family played pro football. He's part British and Native American, so you know that his looks are to die for. His half brother, Russell, is full on British and a famous pro-baller in Britain. I think he's 31, and he staying here for a few months so you could have him if he's single. Isaiah has a stong upper body, nice ass, and he's not popular. Which is good for me, that means I don't have a lot of competition. He's a linebacker for the team. And he is really smart. He's just everything. I can't wait till you meet him. We're having parent teacher conference in 2 weeks, so you can meet him there." This was a lot to take in at the moment. First I have to deal with her going to high school, now I have to meet her crush. My God this was never going to end.

Russell's POV

Being a famous person isn't all the hype people think it is. Of course women throwing themselves at me isn't bad, but everywhere I go I have to worry about paparazzi. I have to act certain ways just to make money. Then I have to deal with people making everything different about their lives to satisfy mine. Thank God I'm going to America. Not a lot of people know British rugby players. This is what I need some time to myself and time to see my father and brother. It has been awhile.

"Mr. Bremington is everything to your liking?" The flight attendant asked shyly.

"Yes. Thank you love."

"You're welcome. Only 45 more minutes until we land in Chicago." And she left on that note. If she had stayed a moment she could have joined the mile-high club. 

Leaving Britain for a few months is going to do me some good, with the women that is. In England, women know me as a player, so this trip to America is going to be very interesting. Can't wait to see the potential awaiting me here.

As I arrived to my dad's house, I saw a bunch of cars parked outside. Crikey, I hope he's not throwing me a party. 

As I walked in, I saw it wasn't a party for me, but for my younger brother, Isaiah. Apparently he made the football team in his school. Like the Bremington family tradition. He is bound to get the ladies like this. Oh I can't wait to teach him my ways.  I walked around the house to find my brother and there he was, surrounded by girls. I was shocked to see he already gained the talent and charm of a Bremington fellow.

"Excuse me ladies," he said as he saw me, "I'll be back in a few minutes." As he walked towards me I smiled.

"I see you got those ladies knickers in a bunch." I chuckled.

He smiled and told me, "Nice to see you, too." I pulled him near me and gave him a hug. Then asked him, "Where's dad?"

"Over there," he pointed towards the living room, "looking for the next Mrs. Bremington."

I laughed, "Isn't he always?" I walked towards the living room and approached my father. "Hey, dad."

"Well, look who finally came to visit me!" He exclaimed embracing me in his arms. "Ladies, this is my son, Russell. He is a famous rugby player in England."

"Hello, ladies." I greeted. It's amazing how big a flirt every male in this family was. 

I left my father and brother with the women they were fraternizing with, so I could get comfortable in my room. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard banging from my walls, tonight.

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