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When I woke up the next morning I noticed Yoongi wasn't beside me.

Where did he go at 9:10am?

I sit up with a sigh and run my fingers through my tangled (h/c) hair.

He was acting weird and I wanted to know why.

I stand up and walk out to the living room to see everyone except Yoongi.

"Do you guys know what's been up with Yoongi?" I ask as I sit down on the couch.

The guys all look over to me except for Jin.

The look on his face said it all.

"What do you know that you're not telling me Jin?" I ask while narrowing my eyes in his direction.

"(Y/n), it's not my place to tell you" he says with a sigh.

I was starting to get worried.

"I swear Seokjin, if you don't tell me right now-" I threaten but I'm cut off.

"He cheated on you" Namjoon's voice echos through my ears.

Had I heard wrong? There's no way my Yoongi would do that...
He had to be wrong...he had to be.

"What?" I ask turning to him.

"(Y/n)" I hear and I knew the voice instantly.


"Tell me he's lying. Please tell me you didn't cheat on me" I say while feeling my heart breaking in my chest.

"He's not..but please let me explain" Yoongi says with pained eyes.

When those words escaped his lips I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

He cheated on me...The man I was in love with...who I was suppose to be together with forever...cheated on me.

Before he could say anything, I ran.
I ran and I didn't stop.

I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care.

My heart hurt, I felt empty, I felt used, betrayed, and lonely.

Most of all I felt angry.

How could he cheat on me.
How could he just through away our love like it was nothing.

I ran until my legs burned and ached then I finally stopped.

I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as they clouded my vision.

I had no idea where I was and in the moment, I didn't care.

I sat down on the cold cement and pulled my knees to my chest and cried.

It's all I could find the strength to do.

"(Y/n)?" I hear a familiar voice ask and I lift my head to see Mae though my blurred vision.

"Oh dear, what happened?!" She asks as she squats down in front of me.

"Yoongi..he..." but I couldn't get the words out as I chocked up again.

"Awe babe" she said as she pulled me into her. I clung to her and cried.

My body felt numb and my head was spinning.

"Let's get you home before someone sees and starts something, okay" she says pulling me up with her.

I must look pathetic right now.

I walked with her to her car and as you could guess, I cried the whole way home.

When we got inside the other girls rushed over asking what was wrong but I went straight to my room.

How could he cheat on me after everything we've been through together...

Yoongi's pov

I watched as (y/n) ran out the door with tears streaming down her face.

My heart was breaking even more as I watched her run away.

"You're a dick! You know that right!" Namjoon yells running at me but before he can hit me the guys pull him back. "Fuck you Namjoon! You know I didn't intentionally cheat on her! I would never!" I yell, feeling the pain in my chest.

"Well maybe if you didn't go get fucking drunk this would have never happened! But no you got wasted off your ass and started fucking around with that girl! You're inconsiderate! You weren't even thinking about (y/n) in that moment were you!? Fuck you Yoongi! You don't deserve her!" He yells while struggling to get out of everyone's grip.

He was right.

I didn't deserve her and I was inconsiderate because I in fact wasn't thinking of (y/n) in that moment.

It was all a giant mistake. I was drunk and everything just happened so fast.

I was so fucking stupid!

"So now you're not going to say anything?" He asks with venom in his words.

"You're right" I say and he yanks himself out of their grip.

"Damn straight I am" he says and grabs his jacket and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

The guys all look at me with shocked and sad faces and I drop my head and walk to my room.

I really fucked up.

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