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"Seriously?!" Everyone asks in disbelief as I finish telling them that (y/n) and I were back together.

"Mhm. She's coming over tonight too" I say smiling to myself.

That causes their faces to light up.

"I miss her so much! I'm excited now" Taehyung says and the others agree.

"Just try not to mention anything about everything that's happened. I want to put that in the past and to just forget about it" I say and they nod understanding.

I wanted so badly to forget it.

"I wish she could just come right now. I want to hug her!" Hoseok says with a big smile covering his face.

You and me both.

After a couple hours of waiting everyone was starting to get antsy.

Just as I was about to text her my phone went off.

When I picked it up my smile instantly fell.

It was a text from Jackson.

I heard (y/n) was supposed to come over but she ended up falling asleep.

And attached to it was a picture of (y/n) sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

I felt jealous.

It was the only word I could use in the moment.

I wouldn't have been that jealous if I wouldn't have heard her and Mae talking earlier.

"So is she on her way?" Jimin asks and I shake my head.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't wait up" I say and head into my room.

Once inside I deleted the text and forced myself to go to sleep.

Your pov

I was currently at the store buying snacks because I felt bad that I fell asleep last night instead of going to the dorm.

After I paid I rushed on over to the dorm without even shooting them a text.

It'd be a surprise.

When I finally arrive I push the door open and walk inside only to see no one.

Well, it still was relatively early and they didn't work meaning they were most likely all still sleeping.

I set the bags down on the kitchen table and take off my shoes and set them down by the door.

With that I pull out my phone and wait for them to wake up.

"How long have you been here?!" Jin asks in disbelief upon waking up and seeing me.

"Only about an hour" I say and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Let me make you breakfast" he says and before I can object he's already in the kitchen cooking.

What a mom.

After a little he comes back and sets the food down in front of me.
"I'm gonna go wake the guys" he says and with that he leaves.

I eat and scroll my phone as I hear a bunch of rejected wake up's.

"If you don't wake up you won't see the surprise waiting in the kitchen" he says and i can't help but to laugh a little.

When he says that I hear a bunch of feet and turn around to see the guys standing there.

"You're back!" Taehyung says happily as he throws his arms around me then one by one the others join too.

"What's going on in here?" I hear Yoongi ask in a raspy voice. He must have just woken up.

"(Y/n)'s here" Jin says from the outer part of the ground hug. "Then move so I can see her" Yoongi says but no one seems to move.

I hear a Tck noise come from him and I laugh a little. 

If I could see him right now I'd assume he had that cute little bed head and he'd be pouting because he had to be awake.

"Alright guys give her some space so she can eat" Jin says and everyone backs up clearing my view and giving me room to breath.

I look over at Yoongi and laugh at how right I was.

His hair was messy and there was a pout on his face. Cute.

"How long have you been here?" Yoongi asks leaning back into the chair.

"About an hour" I say as I take another bite of the food. Which was really good by the way.

"An hour! Why didn't you wake us up?" He asks and I shrug. "I wanted you guys to sleep" I say as if it were obvious.

"It doesn't matter. We're all together now!" Namjoon says happily and I give them a smile and finish up my food.

After I was done we sat around and talked but of course all good things had to come to an end.

"I should get going. I have to be up earlier tomorrow" I say and then frown and Yoongi stands up.

"I'll walk you" he says and I nod and say my goodbyes then follow him out.

"I have a favor to ask" Yoongi says on the walk there.
"What is it?" I ask as I swing our connected hands back and forth.
"Stay away from Jackson. I know he likes you" he says and I laugh a little.
"You know I can't do that. I'll be on a bus with him and 11 other people. Plus I don't see him like that so it's fine" I say and he sighs.

"Promise you'll text and call me whenever you get the time" he says and I smile. "Of course. Promise to come to at least a couple of my shows" I say winking and he smiles and nods.

When we get to my dorm I turn to him.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning before I leave" I say and he pulls me into his chest.

"I just got you back and now you're leaving for a year" he says with a sigh.

"I know but it'll be over before you know it" I say flashing a reassuring smile but he doesn't seem fazed by it.

"Maybe to you. To me it'll be like an eternity" he says and I laugh. "You'll be okay. You have the guys and your music to keep you occupied" I say and he frowns. "Here" he says and pulls something out of his pocket.

When I see what it is I smile.

It was the necklace he had bought me.

He helps me put it on and then he kisses the top of my head.

"Forever and always"

Forever and always.

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