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Here's some before I go to school(;


"Tell the guys we'll meet them at the venue for the concert" Namjoon yells before running to catch up with me.

"So where did you want to go? I've been here a couple times so I know my way around" he says and I think for a moment.

"Whatever is fine as long as we have fun" I say flashing a huge smile which he returns.

"Then I know just the place to go"

Yoongi's pov

I watched as (y/n) and Namjoon walked away from my sight and out of the hotel doors.

I was mad watching them together but I didn't have time to be getting jealous.

I needed to rest before our concert tonight seeing as I was already exhausted as it was.

Namjoon and I had stayed up pretty late arguing over the whole bed situation and on top of that we were already tired from waking up early to go to our flight.

I let out a breath and made my way back into the hotel room.

As I was going to my bed I didn't see (y/n)'s bag on the floor and I tripped, spilling the things inside, in the process.

I bent down and started to pick it up.

As I was picking up a fallen shirt I notice something silver fall out and onto the ground.

My eyebrows narrowed in confusion and curiosity and I reached over to grab it.

It was the necklace I had gotten (y/n) for her last birthday.

Why did she have this in her bag...?

I pick up the rest of her things and put them away as I stuff the necklace into my pocket.

I definitely wasn't letting this slide past me.

After a couple hours we were finally at the venue and were now waiting for Namjoon and (y/n) to get here.

Just as Jin was about to call they walked through the door with their arms linked together and smiles plastered on their faces.

"Did you two have fun?" Hoseok asks standing up and walking to them.

"Lots" (y/n) says leaning into his side then moving away to the couch in our dressing room.

"I'm glad. Now you gotta get ready" Jin says handing Namjoon his clothes he had to wear.

He thanked him then went to change.

After he was changed he and the others went to talk to the manager about something which left (y/n) and I alone.

Here was my chance to bring up the necklace.

"Hey" I say to get her attention.

She looks up from her phone then sets it down, letting out a sigh in the process. 

"What is it?" She asks and I pull the necklace from my pocket and let it dangle from my finger.

Her eyes widen a little but her facial expression doesn't really change.

"Why do you have that?" She asks standing up and coming over to me.

"I should be asking you the same thing" I say and her eyes harden.

"Just give it back" she says but I lift my arm into the air and out of her reach.

"Seriously Suga, give it back" she says and I look down at her.
"Tell me why you still have it when you're the one who said we were over" I say and her face turns angry.

"It's none of your business anyway. Just give it back to me" she says. "How is it not my business? It's something I gave you. If you don't like me anymore why do you even have it with you?" I say raising my voice and that makes her features change as she yells back.

"Don't you dare fucking say I don't like you. You know damn well how I feel about you so of course I'm gonna keep the necklace. I wasn't just gonna throw it out like it was nothing, like it meant nothing. I'm not you" she hisses with a look that could kill.

It hurt when she said that because I knew she was referring to the cheating thing.

"I told you it was a mistake! I never would have hurt you like that on purpose! I fucking love you (y/n)! I even thought I'd marry you for fucks sake!" I yell and her eyes widen as her mouth falls open.

At first she doesn't speak but when she does it hurts me.

"I can't do this anymore Yoongi. Keep the necklace, I'm leaving" she says and goes to walk away but I grab her before she can leave.

"Let go of me" she says but I ignore her and pull her to my chest.

"Please don't leave me. I can't do this without you. I can't do anything without you. I need you" I say burying my face into her back.

Before she can say anything the door opens but I don't move.

I couldn't let her leave. I can't lose her.

"You should go. Your concert starts soon" she says and walks towards the door.

"Please" I say and everyone looks at me with sad and surprised looks.

I was desperate. I needed her more than anything.

"I'm not going anywhere Yoongi" she says and I gain hope only to be hurt in the end. "But I won't take you back, I can't" she says then walks out the door.

The guys all just stand there in shock as I let my head fall into my hands.

I don't why I expected it to be like in the dramas where she'd kiss me and tell me everything would be okay, because it wouldn't be.

Nothing would ever be okay unless I had (y/n).

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