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I landed in America safely, everything seemed so familiar and I still felt a part of it. Yet, American had someone that I didn't know if I was ready to face.

He was all I could think of as I grabbed a cab and headed over to my mom's place. Before I left Ireland, she was the only person I went to go see before I left. She said if I ever came back that she had to be the first person I would have to go see.

But after I was done there, I would be off to find him.

The cab ride seemed so refreshing to me. I looked out the window the entire time to see familiar builidings and roads. I still knew where everything was as if it was all on the back of my hand.

However, when I passed my old high school, it brought out the old memories of us. His face, his voice, his touch, and his name all bounced around my head. He was the reason why I was back here but I couldn't get over the nerves of seeing him again.

What if he didn't want to see me anymore or if he got a new partner and I was already a distant memory? I wasn't expecting for him to wait for me, I wasn't expecting for him to just forgive me and make up and the love we had between us would be restored but I was hoping that our friendship could be saved.

By the time I got to my mom's place, my head was hurting due to all the thinking I was doing. I paid the cab drive, grabbed my bags, then headed towards the front door.

I rang the doorbell twice and it didn't take long for my mom to come open it. She smiled brightly once she saw me. "I see you kept the green hair," she said laughing.

I chuckled slightly and hugged her tightly. "Hey mom."

She hugged back then pulled away and gestured for me to go inside. "Don't stand there honey, come in."

I walked inside to see that nothing had changed. It was comforting to me. "What are you doing back in America Jack?" my mom asked.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I'm back to find him..." I said quietly.

A sympathetic smile appeared on her face and she nodded slightly. "He passed by a year ago or so."

My eyes widened. "What did he want?"

"He was wondering where you were. He didn't stay long after I told him you left for Ireland."

"You didn't ask where he lived or his number, anything?!" I said a bit loudly.

"I couldn't ask. He excused himself right after I told him."

I sighed deeply and felt my head start to hurt again. "I think I need to rest for now. I'm getting a huge headache."

"Of course honey. Your room is still where it is."

I did my best to smile. "I'll be back for my bags when I feel better."

I started heading for the stairs when my mom's voice stopped me as she said, "There's also something on your desk that one of your old friend's left for you not long ago."

"Friend?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I haven't opened the note, but they said that it was important and to give it to you if you ever came back. So I left it in your room."

I nodded and said, "Thanks mom." Then rushed off to my room.

As she had said, there was a note on my desk. Before picking it up, I realized that everything in my room had been untouched. Even the photo of Mark and I holding hands during our graduating ceremony. The way we both had real smiles on our faces brought a bit of happiness and sadness to my chest.

I placed the photo facing down then grabbed the note. I opened it to quickly realize who it was from.

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