Just Breathe (mashton)

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Warning: this one shot includes a panic attack so if that is triggering for you, please don't read it <3


It was another night on the tour bus, driving to the next city. Currently it was about 4:30am and everyone was asleep. Except for Michael of course. He hadn't been able to sleep much since tour started back up, and nothing that he tried had worked, so at this point he'd given up on having a normal sleep schedule.

Currently Michael was sitting in the lounge, worrying himself about the concert they were playing tomorrow. It was pretty normal for the pink haired boy to freak himself out over shows, but this wasn't just a normal show, they were playing a huge arena in a country they hadn't been to.

He was shaking now, tears starting to fall down his pale face as he took in gasps for air. Mikey hated this. He hated when he psyched himself out over things like this, and he hated panic attacks. He knew they'd do great but the thought that he may mess up in front of that many people scared him. What if he forgot the words to his own song? Or there was a problem with the equipment and he had to stall and said something stupid? What if he falls and everyone laughs? It'll be all over the Internet and he'd constantly have that reminder. He tried his best to keep his cries down, hugging his legs to his chest as the hot tears flowed down his face.

Michael was trying so hard to be quiet, but it felt like his throat was closing from holding in his cries. He was gasping and sobbing and it was so overwhelming, he thought he may pass out if he didn't find a way to calm down soon.


Ashton woke up to the sound of choked sobs, not quite comprehending them at first in his tired daze. He got up and shuffled out to the back lounge, slowly opening the door to see a shaking Michael. "Hey, Mikey what's wrong?" He asked, quietly shutting the door and sitting next to the pink haired boy. He quickly put an arm around him comfortingly.

Michael crawled onto Ashton, straddling his thighs and sobbing into his neck. "C-can't-" he choked out.

"Shh relax Mikey, listen to my voice and try to focus on your breathing, can you do that for me?" Ashton hummed soothingly, unfazed by the boy getting on his lap. He had talked Michael's panic attacks down many times, so he knew how cuddly the green eyed boy got. The skin-to-skin contact calmed him down a lot as well.

Michael pressed his ear to Ashton's pulse and tried to calm down his breathing, gasping and choking as soft sobs still escaped his throat. "A-ash- hurts-" he managed to say, Ashton only hugging him tighter and humming softly to him. As usual, Ashton's soft humming immediately started calming the younger boy down.

"Just breathe for me babe, you've got it." Ash said quietly as Michael soon calmed down to just whimpers and sniffles. Michael couldn't help the blush that crept onto his cheeks at the name.

"S-sorry if I w-woke you I d-dunno what happened.." He whimpered softly.

Ashton shushed him and played with his hair. "I don't mind Mikey. What were you thinking about that got you so upset?" He asked, his voice quiet and soothing.

Michael rubbed his eyes, his messy pink hair and oversized sweater making him look even more like a cuddly kitten. "The arena tomorrow..we haven't played a show that big what if I fuck up?" He sniffled, looking into hazel eyes with bloodshot green ones.

"Mikey you're an amazing guitarist. You're talented, funny, energetic, and hot as shit. We've played so many shows, and we have so many loving fans. even if you were to fuck up, which I highly doubt you will, our fans would never make fun of you." Ashton said soothingly, combing his long fingers through Michael's soft hair. A quiet purr left the boy's throat at the feeling combined with the gentle words. He blushed deeply when Ashton called him hot, but no one had to know that.

"You're right, as usual.." He muttered, putting his head back in the crook of Ashton's tanned neck. "Thank you Ashy, I love you.." He mumbled.

Now it was the curly haired boy's turn to blush. "I love you too. No need to thank me, I'm always here for you no matter what." His fingers stayed rubbing gentle circles on Michael's scalp, soft purring coming from the tall man-kitten. It took all of Ashton's willpower not to coo at how adorable his band mate and best friend was.

The two stayed like this for what felt like hours. Soon enough, Michael was letting out soft snores, making the older man chuckle. He let his own eyes close, letting exhaustion take over his body once more.


Ashton woke up to the sound of giggling and not-so-quiet whispering. "I have to put a picture on Twitter they look so fucking cute together!" Luke squealed, causing Calum to laugh and nod as the blonde snapped a picture.

"Lucas I swear to god if I didn't have a giant kitten sleeping on my lap I'd beat you." Ashton groaned tiredly, making Luke giggle.

"Haha Lukey got caught!" Calum teased in a sing-song voice. Ashton opened his eyes in time to see Luke flick Calum's forehead, the kiwi boy pouting.

A small whine was heard as a pink head raised from Ashton's shoulder, white sweater paws rubbing at sleepy green eyes. "What time is it and why is Calum being obnoxious this early?" He mumbled in his soft morning voice.

Ash and Luke giggled as Calum pouted even more. "It's never too early to annoy you guys." He huffed softly. "It's 11:00 it isn't even that early."

"That's super early when you don't fall asleep until the sun starts coming up." Michael grumbled softly. Once again he hid his face in the arch of Ashton's neck.

"Why the fuck were you two up that late?" Luke asked curiously. Everyone knew Michael had trouble sleeping but he never stayed up that late.

"Long story, don't wanna talk 'bout it.." Michael yawned, getting up and stretching out his limbs. "I'm taking a nap."

"You just woke up!" All three other boys exclaimed at the same time, making all of them erupt in a fit of giggles.

"Shut up and someone wake me up in like two hours, I expect pizza." He announced before going back to his bunk.

Ashton may or may not have watched the pale boy walk away longingly, but no one seemed to notice or care. He sighed softly, finally realizing his feelings for the boy who loved pizza and hair dye.

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