You Might Get Burned (muke)

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Requested my @Girl_Almighty1245 thanks for being patient with me! I also may have added my own touch to the request, I hope you like it!



Friday was always Michael's favorite day of the week, as it was for most 18 year olds. However, for Michael it wasn't because he could hang out with friends or go to parties, Michael didn't have friends to hang out with. Michael loved Friday because he got to go to his favorite field and play around with fire. He didn't need matches or a lighter however, all he needed was his mind and his hands.

Today was like any other Friday, until he saw the lanky blonde boy in the hall of his high school. He'd never seen this kid before, but he couldn't help himself from admiring him. He was tall and thin, with broad shoulders and piercing blue eyes. The boy's hair stood in a messy quiff, showing the shy expression painted on his pale face. As Michael was studying the boy, their eyes locked, causing Michael's skin to heat up in excitement. The red haired boy smiled at the tall boy, causing him to blush. They went their separate ways down the corridor.

Michael didn't see the blonde again until the end of the day as he was packing up his locker to leave. The unnamed beauty was at his own locker a few feet down the hall, stealing shy glances at the boy. Michael felt drawn to the boy, but he would never approach someone first. He simply couldn't. He kept himself as distanced as possible from everyone, the fear of losing control of his ability constantly hanging over his head. So, he walked past the boy silently after closing his locker and headed to his car.

He didn't notice the boy was following him.


Luke watched as the gorgeous pale boy climbed into an old red convertible. He got into his own run down blue vehicle. He followed the car a few yards back, not wanting the red haired boy to catch onto him.

The blue eyed boy knew what he was doing was terribly creepy, but something about the shorter boy drew him in, spiking his curiosity. What he didn't expect was for the red car to pull into an empty parking lot with broken signs pointing to an overgrown trail into the woods. The beautiful boy climbed out and made his way down the path, causing Luke to follow his actions and pull into the lot, trailing after him a fair amount back. He stayed as quiet as he could, not wanting to get caught.

The tall boy wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling by the way the red head was glancing around nervously through this whole experience that he was hiding something. Luke would quickly hide behind a tree before he was seen every time the boy turned around.


Michael shook off the feeling of being followed, knowing he was just being paranoid. He could feel himself relax as he entered the large open field, smiling at the calm water of the pond in front of him. He laid on the ground as he always did and closed his eyes, letting his worries drift away. He sat back up, letting flames ignite on his finger tips. He suddenly heard a loud gasp, his eyes going wide as he turned quickly toward the noise. He saw a wide eyed blonde boy standing there, failing in an attempt to hide behind a tree.

Luke knew he'd been caught, and he didn't fully care. " can make fire?" He asked, slowly walking forward.

Michael stood quickly and shook his head. He could feel his body getting hotter and hotter with every step the blonde took. "Please S-stay back I don't wanna h-hurt you, you'll get burned!" He pleaded, but the blonde didn't listen.

Luke scoffed, seeing a slight glow emitting from the boy. He relaxed himself before holding his hand up. Suddenly there was water squirting from Luke's fingers, making Michael feel slightly dizzy. That's why he felt so drawn, this boy was like him.

"I'm Luke and I'm hydrokinetic.." The blonde said softly.

"Michael, should still stay away I can't hurt you.."

Again, Luke scoffed. "I'm not sure if you know this but water puts fire out. I'm sure I'll be fine, Michael." He loved the way the name rolled off his tongue.

"So you like, don't get burned?" Michael asked in shock, smiling when Luke nodded. "So we like, balance each other out kinda?"

Luke giggled and nodded. "I can probably cool you down. You're glowing and I'm guessing that's a sign of a flare up? I've looked into all the different kinds of nature manipulation and because fire is so hard to control, you can easily just start flaming when you're relaxed and feel an emotion strongly. Right?"

Now it was the green eyed boy's turn to giggle and nod. "Yeah, and I'm constantly running a fever. I've never met another person with abilities like this..I knew there was something about you that made me want to talk to you. But I still have a hard time keeping my flares under control, so I've always stayed away from everyone. But now.." He shook his head, admiring the boy again. He couldn't help himself from biting his lip as he studied Luke's body more clearly. He loved the way the black skinny jeans hugged the blonde's long legs, making them look absolutely irresistible.

Luke squirmed under the stare, clearing his throat a bit. "Can you make yourself flare or do you need a trigger?" He asked, getting even closer now that Michael knew he couldn't hurt Luke.

To answer, Mike took a couple steps back, smirking as his body caught fire.

"Can I try something?" The taller of the pair asked, stepping closer. Michael nodded, already feeling his flame starting to dull. Luke put his hand on Michael's cheek, a soft sizzle being heard as Luke leaned in and kissed him gently, making the flame go out completely.

The red haired boy kissed back just as delicately, almost as if the pale boy was made of real porcelain. Michael had never felt so at peace with his body. He would totally be able to get used to the feeling.

After awhile, Luke pulled away and let out a shaky breath. "That was amazing.." He whispered, earning a nod from the green eyed boy.

"We should like..go out or something sometime, if you want to of course. I'd totally understand if you didn't want to though." Michael blushed and furrowed his eyebrows. He scratched the back of his neck shyly and chewed his lip.

"I'd love to, Mikey." The blue eyed boy giggled, leaning in to press their lips together again. Neither boy felt quite as outcasted as they did when they woke up that morning.

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