***Saturday (malum)

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This was requested by @addictsanta thank you for helping rid me of my writer's block lol

3.1k words have fun


Saturday was Michael's day off. It was the one day he could sleep until noon, then play video games in his boxers until his thumbs were cramping. On Saturdays he didn't have to breathe in chemicals all day, or listen to strangers tell him way more about their lives than he cared to know. Saturday was his day.

Except not this Saturday. No, today he was woken up at 10am by an overly energetic boy jumping on his bed. "Michael wake up I need your help!" The tanned boy had whined when Michael hid under the covers to try and get away from his bouncing.

"Cal, it's Saturday, let me sleep.." he grumbled into his pillow. The bouncing soon stopped, and he sighed in relief, thinking that his best friend had left him alone.

Michael whined as his blankets were tugged off of him, exposing his bare torso to the cool air around him. "Mikey come oooon, I can't do this by myself! Get up pretty please?" Calum pouted, resembling a puppy begging for table scraps.

The blue haired man sighed and sat up, rubbing at his eyes before focusing on Calum. "What do you want that's more important than my beauty sleep?" He sighed, looking at his younger friend with an annoyed expression.

"I was wondering if you would dye my hair purple for me today? I've been thinking about it for awhile, and I really wanna try something new.." he said hopefully, giving his sweetest, most innocent smile.

"Have you bought the dye or do we need to go to the store?" Mike asks as he stands from his bed, flannel pants hanging low on his hips. He goes to his closet, grabbing the first black jeans he sees and grabbing a flannel. "And when was the last time you washed your hair? It can't be freshly washed or the bleach will fry your hair and turn your pretty curls into an Afro." He spoke quickly as he dressed, not minding that cal was watching him from the end of his bed.

"I didn't know what kind of dye or bleach to get, I figured we could go together? I washed my hair like, the day before yesterday I think?" The brown eyed man said softly, a small blush on his cheeks when Michael called his hair pretty.

Michael hummed, nodding to himself. He walked over to Calum, gently running his fingers through the mess of curls on his head. "You want it cut too or just dyed?"

"Um, j-just dyed?" He more asked than told, making Michael chuckle softly.

"Are you asking me or telling me? It's up to you, not me." He hummed softly, walking away to put on his beat up converse.

Calum nodded a bit, laughing at himself nervously. "I don't think I want it cut, I'm just a bit worried, I haven't done anything like this with my hair before.."

Michael nodded at his friend, chuckling with him. "I know Cal, we've been friends for like, forever. If you don't like it I can just dye it back, don't worry so much." He smiled, motioning for Calum to follow him.

"Yeah, you're right, I just need to stop stressing myself over it." He nodded, following the blue haired man out of his room and into the kitchen of their shared apartment.

"You ready to go?" Michael asked, grabbing a pack of pop tarts and turning to his friend expectantly.

Calum nodded. "Yeah, don't let me talk myself out of this, okay?"

Michael smiled and nodded, grabbing his keys and heading out to his car.


After what felt like a lifetime of searching for, 'the perfect purple' the pair was back at home.

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