Chapter 2

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  Kanan got his stuff ready and woke Ezra up. He fell asleep five minuets after Hera left and woke up on his own. Ezra stirred and didn't panick sensing Kanan. "Kanan?" Ezra mumbled and Kanan brushed his bangs away from his bandages. "I have a mission and I need to tell you that I'm going to be gone for maybe a month or a little more." Kanan said and pain was what he felt having to tell Ezra this after being blind.

  Ezra sat up and bowed his head down. Kanan sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "So your leaving this morning?" Ezra asked and Kanan layed his head on top of Ezras.

  "I'm sorry." Kanan said and Ezra wrapped his arms around Kanan. "I'm sorry, I'm just scared." Ezra whispered and Kanan hugged his son. "Be safe, don't do anything stupid." Ezra said and into Kanans chest. "You mean you?" Kanan tried to joke but Ezra winced. "Sorry, mean't a joke." Kanan said and Ezra just cuddled into Kanan.

  Kanan just held Ezra and said, "I made a list for you to try after the bandages come off. Its some practice for you and Hera and the others are gonna help you." Ezra wished he could see Kanan.

  Sabine walked in and awed at the sight. Ezra giggled when he sensed Sabine and Kanan looked at her. "Hera sent me to tell you the disguised ship is ready." Sabine said and left. Kanan sensed Ezra feeling lonely and depressed. Kanan got up and held Ezras hand.

  "Walk with me, I'll guide you." Kanan said and Ezra stumbled but Kanan helped him. They walked in silence and Ezra clung to his side. Kanan helped Ezra walk down the ramp and the ship was like the Phantom but was smaller and had black and white paint as strips.

  Kanan sighed and crouched down to Ezra who was facing the other direction. Kanan held the side of his face and Ezra leaned into the touch. "I'll be back, be safe." Kanan said and Ezra fumbled but hugged him. Kanan hugged him back and no one wanted to let the other go away.

  "I love you." Ezra said and Kanan smiled. "I love you too son." Kanan saw Hera watch sadly and Kanan and Ezra let go at the same time. "Be careful Dad." Ezra said and Kanan chuckled. "I'm gonna be back, don't let Chopper take my room!" Kanan said and walked to the ship.

  Chopper beeped and Ezra chuckled sadly. Kanan stepped into the ship and watched the ramp close and he went to the pilot seat. Kanan started to take off and thought of Ezra who he wished would be with him. Kanan didn't want to leave his son in such a distress without him.

  Hera walked over to Ezra and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Ezra just leaned into her and guide him back into the ship. She and the others walked back into the common room."I'm gonna make lunch, don't destroy the ship." She joked trying to lift their down moods and left.

  Chopper whirred and followed after her. It was an awkward silence. Zeb tapped his fingers against his boe rifle and Sabine fumbled with her glove. Ezra sighed and sat there. He fumbled with the bandages and Sabine smacked him. "Ow!" Ezra exclaimed and faced Sabine but his head facing the wall near her.

  "Stop messin' with your're bandages!" She shouted and Zeb winced from how loud. Ezra groaned and slumped. He sensed Sabine get up and leave and Zeb stayed with him.

   "Hey Zeb?" Ezra called out. Zeb startled at Ezra talking and asked, "Yeah?" He sat near the kid and raised an eyebrow. "Um I just wanted you to know I'm staying Kanan's room. So don't worry about me waking you up with screaming." Ezra said and his head faced the wall in front of the dejarik table.

  "Cool, I'll make sure Chopper doesn't toss your stuff away." Zeb tried to joke and Ezra just hummed. Zeb felt bad for the kid and said, "You know, if I know anything from Kanan he would say, 'Just because you fall doesn't mean you can't get back up and mess with Sabine's paint'....don't lose hope kid."

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