Chapter 10

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     Dedicated to 


  Ezra was sleeping until Tarkin smacked him. "No sleeping, Agent Kallus is interrogating you so I want you up and awake." Tarkin said and Kallus winced at the boy's crumpled posture and the scorched marks on his clothes.

  "Kallus I trust you will keep him up." Tarkin said and left. Kallus made sure Tarkin walked down the hall and turned to Ezra. "I have to record our interrogation so they will listen to the tape so I need you to resist but slowly give in, give me fake locations so they can't know the real location of the Rebels but do that tomorrow." Kallus said and Ezra sighed.

   Kallus started the tape and said, "Ezra Bridger, you will tell me where the Rebellion is or I shall make things more harsh." Kallus wanted to take the boy and give him to his friends instead of this.

 "Its on planet I ain't tellin you." Ezra said and Kallus regretfully(-had to-cause Empire would kill them-)slapped him. 

   "I don't play games but if that's how you are acting for now then I can wait. No one is coming to save you, so you can sit there being electrocuted or tell me and we will not kill you." Kallus said and Ezra laughed.

  "You'll kill me anyway so I think I'm going to live as long I can." Ezra said and Kallus scoffed. "Well, enjoy your stay cause no one is coming to get you." He said and stopped the recording device. 

  Kallus made sure no one was around and said, "I'll make sure Tarkin stops torturing you, your a brave man." Ezra smiled and said, "Your an honorable man Kallus. Thank you for helping us." 

  Kallus smiled and patted his shoulder softly and went to give the recording to Tarkin.


  Master Billaba was sitting on a hill thinking. Billaba talked with her former padawan now instead of watching from behind and yearned to hold him. Caleb was like a son for her and seeing him in pain was saddening.

  Billaba went to touch the ground but her hand went through. She didn't miss anything when she was alive but she missed her padawan.

   She faced her padawan's ship out in the distance and saw the Mandalorian and Lasat moving things around. Billaba went to the docking bay and saw Captain Rex standing alone.

  "Are you alright?" She asked and he jumped a little and went to draw his blaster but realized who it was. "I'm sorry Master Billaba. I didn't realize I zoned out." Rex said. "Its fine, but you seem sad and troubled, may I ask why?" Billaba asked and Rex clenched his fists.

   "Its just, I lost a very dear friend and I only got back with her for a little bit of time. I just wished she was here." He said and Billaba smiled sadly. "I know what it feels like to lose someone. Was it the Jedi named Ahsoka? My former padawan told me about her." Billaba said and Rex slumped.

  "It was." He said and Billaba straightened herself. "Would your friend want you to mourn or fight for what you both believed in?" She asked and Rex was startled by her question. "I beg your pardon?" He asked and Billaba gave him a straight look.

  "You may mourn your friend but there are others you need you. Would your friend want you to mourn and be sad and not focus on what she died for or would she want you to fight and move on for what you all believed in?" She asked and Rex felt guilt squeeze at him.

  "She would want me to fight, but how am I supposed to forget her?" Rex asked and Billaba smiled. "You don't, you cherish the memories you had with her and keep fighting." Rex thought on those words.

  "Thank you Master Billaba. I needed that and thank you again, I know Ahsoka wouldn't want me to do that so I'll keep going for our cause." Rex said and Billaba watched him leave then she thought on what she said.

  No matter what happens, no matter where you are, no matter what happens to yourself, you keep on fighting.

     No matter what. 


  Was up everybody!! Saturday me, my little sister, and my older brother saw Doctor Strange and it was awesome!!!!! Freakin amazing!!!!!

  Anyway, I have more serious things to talk about....I WANT KIT KATS!!!!

 I'M GOING CRAZY!!!! Not really actually, I just want one. Anyway! Thank you all for your support and I am so grateful for you guys!


   LAVA YOU!!!!

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