Chapter 25

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  Kallus walked through the thick bushes and vines trying to find the cure. Ezra didn't have alot of time left and Kallus was growing tired, desperate, and angry.

  He was tired of staying up and the bruises he got when he kept tripping over rocks, he was desperate to find the cure and was about to strangle someone–if there was anybody!– and angry because Ezra needed help and he wasn't doing a fantastic job!

  Kallus held his boe-rifle and stepped over some logs and walked deeper into the unknown.

  A feeling of unease started to make him fidget as he walked. Kallus looked around to see if anything was there. But nothing was there but the feeling was...different, like something was going to happen.

  Kallus sighed and wiped his face but regretted it as he felt the cuts on his jaw started to burn. Kallus mentally scolded himself and thought about taking a break then decided against it.

  Ezra had six days left. How was Kallus supposed to tell Kanan Ezra died if they didn't have a cure? Or worse, how was he supposed to tell Ezra he was going to die if they didn't find the cure?

  Kallus threw his boe-rifle on the ground and sat down on the damp mud.

Kallus remembered when he was visiting Ezra back when he was captured.


  Kallus walked into Ezra's cell and saw the boy gasping for breath.

  "Ezra? What happened?" Kallus asked worried and Ezra gave a bitter, pained smile. "Trying to catch my breath. Tarkin had a fun time this time. Hey, that rhymed." Ezra said and Kallus felt bad.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap." Ezra apologized and Kallus smiled and gingerly placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder that was burned.

  "No need for that but I understand. Your hurting and I will help you. I'm sorry that you have to go through this." Kallus said and Ezra smiled. "No need to get mushy. But thank you, I can't wait to get out of this and get some real sleep and have my family." Ezra said and Kallus felt a pang of jealously.

  Kallus snapped out of his flashback and thought about his own father.

His father never loves him. Never loved his mother. He would be gone for a long time and return home when he felt like it.

Kallus as a boy, heard rumors of his father as a bounty hunter but Kallus never believed it until he saw the armor and blasters his father hid in his private collection.

  Kallus for up and winced in pain as his leg throbbed. Kallus would've loved to see his mother but he never knew what happened to her. Just one day his mother was gone and he asked his father what happened to her and he just said nothing.

  Kallus had his monsters, but there was no time for that. Ezra needed him.


  Zeb rubbed Ezra's back as he coughed violently. Ezra finished and laid against Zeb's shoulder.

  "Hang on. Here, drink." Zeb said and gave Ezra a drink of water which he gladly sipped at.

  Zeb pulled away as Ezra finished. "Do you think Kallus found anything?" Ezra asked and Zeb looked away.

  "I think he is trying....Ezra, could you possibly try to focus and find the fruit?" Zeb asked and Ezra frowned. He wished he could see cause he really wanted to look Zeb in the eye and ask 'are you having death sticks?'

  "I mean with the force, kid." Zeb said and Ezra made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

  "I could try but I can't see. I know the description but I'm not sure." Ezra said uncertain but got into a meditative position.

  Ezra breathed in and out and focused. Ezra was feeling nothing until he felt a burst of energy.

  Ezra gasped and Zeb freaked out but didn't do anything. Ezra felt the energy from the force and felt like he was never hurt.

  Ezra located the fruit and smiled. He found it. "Come on Zeb, I can walk and I know where the fruit is. It has this certain feeling and I just know where it is." Ezra said and Zeb could feel the energy coming off him.

  "Let's get going–!" Zeb was cut as a very heavy metal thing landed on him.

  "What the?! Chopper?!" Zeb yelled and Chopper beeped and whirred. "Chop? What are you doing here?" Ezra asked and Chopper angrily beeped. "You wanted to come? Cause of me?" Ezra asked.

   "As touching as it may be, get off." Zeb said angrily and Chopper did and started wheeling out and Ezra went after using the force to guide him. Zeb stalked off after them grumpy and mumbling about his back.


  Kallus was walking until he heard screaming or something. Kallus stopped and cocked his head to the side and listened.

  That weird screaming got louder and Kallus widened his eyes as he saw a bird like thing with its mouth wide open screaming at him.

  Kallus aimed his boe-rifle at it until something slammed into him.

"AGH!" Kallus yelled and went to attack but saw a little small animal that was dog like and furry.

"Aw-I mean, hi there." Kallus said and the little guy came up to him. Kallus sighed and held his boe-rifle as the..whatever it was, came up to him.

  "What do you want? I can't retake you with me." Kallus said and realized what he was doing.

  He was talking to an animal.

  "Look, I'm going to call you Begger. The thing is Begger, I can't–" Begger went up to him curled up at his feet.

  "Fine. But your walking." Kallus said and started to walk as Begger went after him with his tongue flapping out as he ran next to him.

  Begger had mud brown fur, brown eye, and a short snout. Kallus sighed as his new friend barked when Kallus was walking slow.

  "Wait up. I'm trying but your not the one with cuts and bruises." Kallus said and Begger barked again and wagged his tail when Kallus came up.

  Kallus smiled at his companion and laughed as Begger jumped over a log.

  Maybe this trip was life and death but Kallus found a friend to keep him company.


  Kallus got a friend! I updated! I will update again soon but I'm sick. I guess when your parents say get a jacket on in the cold weather you should listen.

  Who else likes The Flash series? I freakin love it! I'm in season two and I'm freaking out!

  Lava you!

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