Chapter 26

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    "Kallus's dad wants to kill him? Why? Can you do something about?" Sabine asked Kanan who was explaining the situation to Sato.

  "Kallus must be warned...but not now. He needs to focus on Ezra so no one will contact him. Got it?" Sato commanded.

  Everyone nodded eventually.


  Ezra was being carried by Zeb since Zeb all of a sudden became a mother hen, wanted to make sure he didn't hurt himself

  Ezra said where they should go to find the fruit and Zeb knew he was using the force but it was scary how Ezra knew where to step and where to walk.

  Chopper was following along and Zeb had to admit he was glad the droid was here. He didn't like being alone with Ezra like this. "Step over here. We should be arriving soon." Ezra said and coughed violently into his arm.

  No one said anything but Zeb used one arm to hold him and used his other arm to reach out and stroke his hair. Ezra leaned into his hand and groaned. Zeb felt sympathy for the kid.

  "After this we need to find Kallus. He should be about a couple of miles away from us." Ezra said and Zeb frowned.

  "You shouldn't keep using the force, kid. You need to save your energy." Zeb said softly but commanding. "I will once we get the cure and get Kallus. I feel like living if that's up to you." Ezra said joking but Zeb tensed.

  He didn't want to loose the kid. Not after they just got him back.


  Kallus was being attacked.

    By Begger who couldn't stop licking him no matter how many times Kallus would escape the small animals grasp.

  "We need to help Ezra! Get off!" Kallus tried but Begger couldn't stop. He wagged his tail and he could feel that his 'Master' was upset and wanted to help him.

  Kallus sighed and slowly stroked the animals soft fur. He would never tell anybody but this was soothing, maybe he should've gotten a pet and he wouldn't have become a grouch.....probably.

  "That's enough now. We need to get going, we don't have slot of time." Kallus said and finally Begger got up. "Maybe we can find the cure. Just we need to keep going this way I think." Kallus said and was starting to panic.

  What of he couldn't find the cure? What if Ezra ends up dead? What would Kanan do? What would Hera do?

  What would Toff think of him?

  Kallus remembered her always. He wanted to see her, she made everything seem better and he wished she was here. Kallus shook himself and started walking with Begger trailing next time him.

  It was silent until they reached apart of the forest that seemed darker.

  Kallus felt a cold chill of wind blow against him as they went deeper. Begger seemed to notice his unease and walked closer where he kinda brushed up against Kallus's leg.

  "What in the galaxy?" Kallus thought out loud. The while forest seemed darker and it was kinda hard to see. Kallus took his flashlight out and went in deeper.

  Usually if there was something's that looked dangerous and scary, it's a no no. But whenever the good guys needed something it was always somewhere dangerous and scary....but they usually end up ferrying what they want.

  "I feel like its here." Kallus mumbled and shone the light ahead and saw a small tree. With fruit all around it.

  "That's not creepy at all." Kallus pointed it and Begger whined as his Owner went to the tree. "This is the fruit! We found it Begger! We need to get to Ezra!" Kallus exclaimed and took one fruit off of the tree.

  Wait. Why was the fruit in a deep dark place where it looked lien it was fired but there were no guards?

  Kallus slowly walked back to Begger and tried not to seem suspicious. Kallus was walking until he heard a gasp and a crunch. Behind him.

  Kallus activated hiss weapon and whirled around ready to strike his attacker until..

  It was Zeb holding Ezra and Chopper beeping frantically.

"What are you doing here?! You should be resting at the ship!" Kallus thundered and Ezra pouted–I mean, frowned.

  "We wanted to help. Long story short, I sensed the fruit and we started going after it until we saw you here." Ezra explained and Kallus just shook his head. "Well I found it. Good thing too, last I remember we only had two days..." Kallus trailed off and tried not thinking how close they to loosing Ezra.

Ezra seemed to sense this and got down from Zebs hold. He went to Kallus and hugged him.

  Kallus returned the hug. "I'm here and you got the cure. We can help me here and go home–watch out!" Ezra yelled and through himself and Kallus to the side as he force pushed Zeb and Chopper to the other side.

  As soon as that happened a piece of a tree landed where they used to be. "How did you know–never mind. Force. Got it." Kallus said and Ezra gave a grin no matter the situation.

  Kallus peered around the wall of rock they hid behind and saw something that made him want to curl in fear.

   It was big spider that was the size of the Ghost.


Eeeeeeh! I don't want to finish the rest! Spiders are my fear!

  I don't mind small ones but it comes to the size of my thumb or palm.....get the lighter.

  Anyhoosers! I updated! Expect the next chapter up by Tuesday!

  Also this time I want to write the next chapter about your guy's idea. Give me an idea for the next chapter like should it be based off of Kallus and them or Kanan and the others? How should the chapter turn out?

  Please let me know in the comments I can choose!

  Lava you!


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