Chapter 8

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      It's been 3 months, and so far things have been going back to normal. The pack was extremely excited about the new baby coming. They were all helping set up the little baby's new room and making sure everything was in place. They were early but they wanted to be safe. Kieth had moved out of Cindy's room and Drake moved in. Kieth was finally mending up his broken heart and was finally going back to his happy self. He only broke down when Drake and Cindy was together. Cindy tried her best to not do all the things couples would do in front of him but she couldn't help it. Especially when Kieth was still attatched to her hip and was still trying to move on. But other than all that the pack was finally starting to go back to normal. 

       It was a Saturday morning and Cindy gave the whole pack a day off to relax and chill out from their routines and excersizing. She woke up and looked and seen it was 9 o'clock A.M. She turned and seen Drake laying right next to her where she last seen him. She just turned and looked at him and kissed him. He woke up and smiled from the kiss. "Goodmorning Beautiful" Drake said with a wide smile. "Goodmorning Handsome" she replied back. "So, what is our plans for today on our day off?" Cindy asked Drake knowing he had something up his sleeve. "What makes you think I am planning something?" he smiled trying to hide it. "I have known you for so long and I know you take the days off and do fun stuff. So what is it?" she replied. "Alright, Alright you caught me. You will see in a couple of hours." He said. They just layed there and relaxed for awhile. Not saying anything or doing anything. They were just enjoying the peace and quiet they had. 

     After a few hours had went by Cindy started to hear a noise coming from the kitchen, She got up and put her robe on and she ran straight to the kitchen and she seen James and Kieth fighting. She also seen Brian on the sideline trying to split them up. Immediatly she used her alpha tone and when they still didn't stop throwing punches she took them both by the ear and dragged them outside. She threw them outside and they could tell she wasn't very happy. "What?! Why are you two fighting now?!" she hollared. Kieth stood right up and said "I am so sick and tired of hearing James constantly rubbing the Drake thing in my face! I am having a hard time as it is recovering from all this!" she then looked at James. "What do you have to say James?" she said still very aggitated. He then said "I am sick and tired of him hearing that wimp complain constantly about you and Drake being together, It is pathetic and he needs to accept it and move on already!" She just looked at them both and said " I am very disapointed with BOTH of you! I can't enjoy one day without you two at each others throught! You have no idea how fustrating it is. Kieth, I will only say this one more time. I am with Drake and I am sorry you had to find out my feelings this way. But you have to stop complaining so much! It is annoying all of us. James, Just IGNORE him! That is all you have to do. Now can we STOP the fighting!?" The guys just looked at her and nodded their heads yes. Then they all went back inside and Kieth ran to his room and James went to the table to eat. 

        Cindy walked to her and Drakes room. It was around noon and everyone was calmed down. Drake walked in and snuck up on Cindy and said "SURPRISE!" she just turned around and seen him in a tuxedo holding a beautiful blue dress. It had a white top and the bottom was baby blue and it was long enough that it reached her knees. "It's beautiful!" she was smiling so big. "What is all this for?" she asked. "We are going on a movie and lunch date and then after the movie and lunch we are going to a dance." he said very happy. He gave her the dress and she went and put it on then they were off to the movies. 

       The movie theatre was very elegant and expensive. There was seats and tables so you could sit at a table and eat while watching the movie. The whole time Cindy thought wow how nice is this place. She was having a very nice time. They seen a werewolf movie called The Blue Stone. They both loved it and they had some lunch and soda while watching their movie. 

       *Knock Knock* James walked over to the door and opened it to see a lovely girl standing there. She had blood all over her arms and legs and her clothes was all ripped up. She looked like she was running from someone. His heart dropped and he asked "Hello, may I help you?" with a worried look on his face. The girl responded saying "Hi, my name is Rose. May I please come in? I am trying to hide from my pack." He just moved to the side letting her in and then he closed the door locking it behind him. "What happened Rose? Why are you running away from your pack and why are you hiding from your pack?" before she could respond she passed out. James just called the rest of the pack members for help. They all came rushing in and he told them what had happened. They had all helped her to the couch. James had washed all the blood off of her and noticed some cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs and stomach. He became very worried for her even though all he knew was her name. Wendy gave James a pair of her clothes to put on Rose. James had Wendy change her since it was the right thing to do. 

        As the hours went by James started to see Rose start to wake up. He had bandaged her and he had cleaned her up. The whole time he was by her side, he never left her side unless he needed to give her fluids. She woke up and she tryed to sit up. "Please, just lay down. You aren't healed up all the way yet Rose. Your wounds was serious. If you hadn't come to me sooner you probably would of died." she just layed back down and looked at James and said "Thank you. What is your name?" he just smiled and said "James." she smiled and then James asked "Why were you running away from your pack?" she then had a frightened look and almost started to cry. But before she did she said " They are abusive to me and the guys always try to play with me and do things I didn't want to do with them." he just turned angrily and said "Like rape you?" she just nodded yes. He then got closer to her face and gently tucked her hair behind her ears and said "Don't worry they can't hurt you now. I won't let them lay a paw or finger on you Rose. You have my word." She started to smile. "Now rest, you will need your strength to talk to our pack leader when she gets back. Rose just fell back into a deep sleep and James just sat there next to her making sure she was alright. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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