Chapter 5

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              Cindy stood in the doorway waiting for James, she knew it wouldn't take him long since he is one of her fastest pack members. "Hey Cindy!" James yelled. James was already in his human form and he already had his backup clothes on. "So, did you talk to Kieth?" He asked. Cindy replied back "Yes, yes I did and he understand the rules and now knows everything he needs to know about. Now about you, we never finished our little conversation after you met Kieth." she said she was very stern and needed to make sure Kieth and James were going to get along. He replied back "Oh yeah that, ok I have to know what is going on with you and Kieth? I thought you had deep feelings for Drake?" she knew he was going to ask this but did not know how to answer this because she didn't know her feelings herself.  "I don't know right now. But I do know that you and Kieth have to get along I cant afford having to either kick one of you out or anything. You understand me?" she replied back she knew she was being a little too hard on him but this is the only was she can get through to him other wise he wont get the point. "I understand and I understand you are aggravated about the whole thing. So now you have feelings for both Kieth and Drake?" he replied back. "Yeah I guess, my wolf is starting to go crazy for Kieth but then again my wolf is going nuts for Drake still. So I do not know but until I do I'm staying with Kieth." she replied back and she seen the James face drop because we all know he cant stand Kieth. He gave up on being silent and said "This happens to some werewolf's, sometimes their wolf just doesn't know but in the end your wolf will make the right choice and you both will know what you want" she just sighed hearing this she knew he was right and she also knew who he was referring too. She knows he wants her to be with Drake and not Kieth. She replied back "I know but until then I am staying with Kieth and if Drake is who my wolf wants then I will know it but I am just going to go with the flow." She was agitated and just wanted to get this day over with. James didn't answer he just walked up to Cindy and gave her a hug and then he said "Whoever you decide to be with is fine with me. Even if it does turn out to be Kieth, I just want to see you happy" she heard this and smiled she was happy he was trying to lift her spirits up "Thanks James that means a lot" "Anytime Cindy" he replied back smiling. "Should we head back to the pack?" James asks. "Yes, yes we should!" she replied back very ecstatically.

            They started heading to the pack and Cindy enjoyed every run she went on. The rush of the run, the smell of the trees, the wind running through her fur, the ground underneath her rushing past her, and the smells of wildlife from the woodland creatures. As she was smelling the air that she desired she caught a whiff of her ex boyfriend Frank. Then she got a mind link from James Don't tell me that's Frank again?! He cant be back already! she replied back. Yeap! it is Frank. I will take care of this once and for all. He is alone so I will be fine better to keep you guys safe. James go back to the pack and keep the pack together I will mind link you or howl when I need you.  James replied back Ok like always be safe Cindy. They just looked at each other then nodded, then they went their separate ways and Cindy was off and James was off to the pack.

        As James arrived to the pack they were playing and goofing off just being their normal selves. Then they all turned to see James but also wondering where their alpha was. James mind linked to all of them Our Alpha is taking care of some much needed business with Frank. It is just him so she wont need any help. If you have any questions you can ask me I am free to talk. Everyone just stopped and they came up to James and Kieth spoke through mind linked Should we help? he basically asked the question that the rest of the pack was wondering. James answered back No, if she needs help she will mind link me or howl when she needs help. They all had the same look like they wanted to go help but they didn't want to disobey her orders they were just worried for their alpha. So they all decided to go back to the pack house and wait because they would be too worried to stay and enjoy themselves. As they were running back they could smell Cindy and they knew if they disobeyed orders that she will be very upset and won't talk to them for days.

        I could smell Frank from a mile away it wasn't that hard and it wasn't that long ago since they broke up and then fought. Cindy then looked and seen him, he was standing on a hill and in human form. She then decided to do the same so she went behind her tree and seen her back up clothes right she left them and she transformed and changed. As she was walking out he spoke "You know you didn't have to get changed. I never mind seeing you like that." she just gave him a disgusted look and spoke "Yeah in your dreams. What are you doing here Frank?" she was very upset with him and wanted him gone so she could go back to her pack. "What? A ex boyfriend can't come see his ex girlfriend without a reason?" he said he seemed very happy. "No! this odd for a self centered wolf like you Frank." she was being as mean as she can. "Ouch! Well I guess I deserve that one. But I don't deserve you taking in one of my pack members and date him!" he replied. "So that's what this is about?! Kieth?" she was shocked that Kieth didn't mention this. "Yes, Kieth. He ran off and then I find him running with your pack and you two kissing and walking through the forest?" he was starting to get upset and before she could speak he spoke again "I know now you don't want him to leave or come back to me but that's fine. You can have him under one condition." she replied back "What condition?" he started to laugh and he started to walk towards her and whispered in her ear "You know what I want. I wanted it since the first day I started dating you." she then turned pale and then smacked him in the face "I am not doing it with you so forget it!" he started to laugh again "Oh you will if you want to keep Kieth. I will give you three days to think about it and after the three days is up meet me back here for your final decision." He then turned around and ran off. Cindy just stood there not sure how to feel she was just mad, upset, and confused all at the same time. She then decided to head home and think about things.


Sorry I haven't been able to update as much anymore I have been busy lately and haven't been able to get on! But like always I will try my best to get on and update this story and Cheyanne as soon as possible! :)

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