Childhood Crush

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"Hey! I just wanted to tell you that you look lovely today!" The black haired girl said, waving shyly. Her cheeks were coloured with a light pink blush and her smile, although timid, was a wonderful sight.

The Martial Arts Club's leader just wasn't ready for the compliment. He was late for class, almost forgot his headband and had got in a fight with one of the delinquents guys for tripping over their precious "magnificent boots". Now he couldn't even walk near the incinerator without receiving a glare and some obscene gestures.

Even so, when he felt the hand on his shoulder he knew he couldn't ignore it nor he wanted to, he was already late and there was no way Sensei would let him pass without scolding him. Plus the cold fingers sent shivers down his spine and his logical part suddenly ceased to exist.

He couldn't believe in his own eyes. Ayano Aishi was the one complimenting him. How was that even possible? Alright, he knew she wasn't the same girl from one year ago. Also the gossips about her and her strange personality had completely disappeared in the beginning of the semester, when she joined the photography club and took pictures of every student of school just to later on quit it and join the cooking club so she could spend her days running around and offering cookies. But she never actually talked to him. She took his picture but she didn't look at him, she gave him a cookie but not a smile. It was kinda confusing, and he didn't know how to feel about the fact that she visited every club in school, in exception for the Martial Arts Club.

So that's why he blamed the surprise for his pounding heart and his sweaty hands.

"Wow! T-thank you that's so nice of you to say..." He said, and his eyes widened when he noticed: he had stuttered in front of a girl. A girl who wasn't even one of his classmates.

What is your problem, man? His mind asked.

Ayano smiled again and winked but her eyes weren't on him at all and before he could say something, she turned and walked away, probably to class.

"Hey Masuta-kun! What was that?" Said someone behind him and he immediately recognized the voice. "Didn't know you had a crush on Aishi-chan"

"W-what? Well I don't! I don't even talk to her!" He answered, getting a bit red. Taro Yamada blinked but nodded. It was a good excuse.

"That makes sense, I guess. I mean, how can you fall for someone you don't know? It's not like you had a childhood crush on her, right?"

That made his heart ache. Memories he never shared with anyone else going through his mind instantly.

A boy was on a window, he looked like someone on third grade or something. He was waiting for the new student his Sensei had just told his classmates about. She was one year younger than him and had been transferred from another school, why he didn't know. All he knew is that he had an incredible urge to befriend her once she got there. But she didn't show up to first class, or second, or third and eventually his Sensei told him to leave the window and pay attention. What a disappointment, huh?

He didn't want to obey her at all nor did he want to be scolded for doing so. So he kept stealing glances at the window until he saw something that caught his eyes. A little girl.

She was walking near the garden, running around the cherry trees like there was no tomorrow. The teacher was still writing on the board so he took the chance to keep staring. She didn't show her face to him at any moment but he was sure she wasn't anyone he knew. Which means she could be the new girl. Anyway, he had to test it out.

"Sensei" he asked getting the woman's attention short after.

"What is it, Masuta-kun?" She answered, looking a little annoyed.

"May I go to the bathroom?" He asked so she wouldn't suspect that he was doing something else.

The teacher nodded and Budo stood up from his seat, walking slowly to the door and closing it behind him. When he was done, he ran as faster as he could to the school doors hoping she wasn't a mirage, nor she was gone.

He sighed in relief. There she was. On her little world. Should he go and introduce himself? Should he wait for her to notice him? He wasn't sure but his time was running out. Maybe he should watch until he had an idea.

So he did. He watched as the little girl with a ponytail and a red dress walked around the garden with a blank face. She didn't smile, she didn't laugh. She just kept staring at the toys and the trees until she saw a ball. She stopped everything she was doing and cupped the ball on her hands throwing it on the air and holding it after. A small smile took place on her beautiful face and suddenly she was laughing for real, the grin grew wider, her black eyes glistened and she finally looked like she was having fun this time.

Budo felt his face burning out of nowhere. His eyes widened right when the girl noticed she was being watched. He ran before she could see him (hopefully) and took off to class. What was that feeling? Was his heart racing? Why was he blushing so hard? A million questions crossed his mind making Budo decide that maybe if the girl had this effect on him, it was better to stay away a little.

He regretted that decision every single year after he met her and all the times he saw her alone. He never talked to her because he was afraid he would become a blushing mess and embarass himself but as the years passed by, his heart still beat in the same way when he saw her.

That girl was Ayano Aishi. His childhood crush, the woman he fell in love with without words. But of course he couldn't tell this to Taro or anyone. Besides...

"Hey Budo, are you okay?"

He looked at his right feeling awkward. Then he noticed hidden in a corner looking full of joy with hearts on her eyes, Ayano Aishi. It was breathtaking.

But again, those gray eyes weren't on him.

"Yeah, let's go to class"

Taro nodded, walking away. Budo heard a sigh and turned to see Ayano holding her heart, giggling softly before getting to her own class. He was left alone in the halls.

Besides... She already likes someone else. What chance do I have?

He sighed and put on a smile, back to his cheerful self and followed Taro. It was better to keep his crush hidden, at least for now.

Hey guys! I just wanna say I'm so happy you liked the other one shot! It means a lot to me, honestly so I had to post this. I came up with this idea right after seeing the picture of the chapter. So it's mostly fluff and heartbreaking but I'm working on something angsty so don't worry the blood and the tears will be soon back 😂😂 It may be the next one, it may not be. Stay tuned for more Ayando! 💜💜

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