It's over, isn't it? (A long-overdue author's note)

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Hey, so to anyone who still cares:

I'm pretty sure y'all already figured this out but a part of me wants to make things clear either way so here it goes.

It's been years since I updated Cherry Blossoms and I know I broke a lot of promises but to be honest, I never really intended for it to be a 20+ chapters book. I just needed a place to post the stories I made up in my head whenever I played Yandere Simulator and went to the Martial Arts Club. Also, I needed to practice my English and what better way to do that is there than with fanfictions (be it reading or writing)?

Anyway, I didn't expect Cherry Blossoms to get any attention at all- but it did and I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful that I was able to bring joy to the people who read a 15 years old silly girl's stories (that I still don't think were that good). I loved that book like it was my own child and I love y'all who read/still read it and I appreciate every single comment or like I got. I really do.

But soon enough it stopped being fun. It wasn't something I liked to do, it was something I felt like I needed to do and that's not what I intended but still I pushed through because I didn't want to let you down. The last straw were the requests. I never said I would take requests but someone reached out to me with a good idea and so I did but maybe that wasn't a good decision because more came and I just. I couldn't do it. I wasn't a paid author, I was just a girl struggling through high school and found comfort in writing... until I didn't.

After that I went through some horrible stuff that made me not want to write romance at all (like my grandpa dying and my mom struggling with depression) and I wanted to come clean with y'all but I still tried. I'm sorry it wasn't enough but I grew up and life got in the way, I moved on to other things, experimented different stuff and I'm not even sure I still ship Ayando or like Yandere Simulator as much but I'm so thankful to have been able to share such an amazing experience with you guys. You were there for me through my darkest, lowest times. I was having a horrible time and reading your comments helped me get through it so I'm forever in debt with every single one of you.

The reason why I'm even writing this even though you probably already found other books to read and maybe don't even remember this one still exists is because y'all probably noticed that I recently uploaded a new story and I thought, after ghosting you for years I owed you a proper explanation.

I spent years without being able to write a single chapter. My mind was constantly getting clouded by my insecurities and I never felt like anything I wrote was good enough to post. Imagine how a swimmer feels without being able to swim at all - not because they can't, but because they somehow forgot how to or never feels like they're that great and probably should just quit. That's how it feels to be a writer and not... write. This new story I posted is from a fandom you're probably not familiar with but they welcomed me and made me feel like I was enough, like I could try again and after so many struggles, I finally did and I feel like I can even say I'm proud of it.

So I'm sorry. I'm sorry to everyone I disappointed and I'm sorry if when you got my notification it wasn't what you thought it would be, but I can't keep lying and forcing myself to write something I don't even feel comfortable writing any longer - believe me, I've tried. I have countless drafts that'll never see the light of the day. I hope you understand and I'll never forget the amount of support I got from Cherry Blossoms, every single one of you who interacted with my book are precious to me so I won't delete it. This will always be one of my best memories on Wattpad. I improved so much thanks to y'all and I'm glad to everyone who stuck with me through this journey.

I love you but this is over now, for good.

Thank you so much for loving my book.

Thank you for following the development of Cherry Blossoms.

Sincerely, Author-chan.

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