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"Does it hurt"
"No it feels just great go on",

"Are u sure?"

"Yes Leo,just put it in!"

"Okay babe",

It was a routine for me to have a girl in my bed every weekend and this weekend was special cause I was lucky enough to have sex with a virgin it's kind of rare these days and am lucky I got this drunk virgin to have sex with me.
Typically girls admire my well built up body nice arms and of course the good looks who would reject that.
Now here I am making myself happy with a girl who I barely know but wants so much for me to be the one to pop her cherry.

"Aaaaah !stop!stop!Leo please!",

"No don't worry it will only hurt a little just a little it won't take long for you to start enjoying it",

I stroked her hair,I really have to make this night memorable for this poor girl .

After three hours of tight pleasure I really needed rest.Basically am a simple average guy,I live alone and my parents and siblings died when they where flying into the United States from Paris for my graduation and so I fended for myself and found myself where to live.I got myself a small apartment and I did try to look for a job but the whole thing couldn't work out I applied for a job here and there and I got no response is getting harder as I live on and all I do is go to bars have a few drinks then sleep with any girl who shows interest in me.I would bang her until she forgot her own name.
I have never chased after girls In my entire life girls follow me and swarm around me like bees.
"Hey!hey virgin girl it's time you go,I 'll be going out soon and I don't want to leave anyone sleeping in my house,get up",

"Help me can't you see am sore,"

I granted then lifted her from my bed and took her to the bathroom so she got a shower while I cleaned the bed.Having sex with a virgin is great but having to clean up the blood is the part I hate the most.

"You are done?"

"Yes and by the way am rosy please don't forget it",.


So i Kicked the door shut ,locked it and got the girl a cab so she goes wherever she came from.

Hey Leo!",somebody shouted from behind me so i turned around.
"Hey have you blocked your heard completely,and whose the chick you was with?,"

I knew the only person who knew me better that anybody else was Brown .
"Hey Brown ,the girl was my lucky charm one night stand virgin buddy".

"Stop joshing me Leo you mean you found a damn virgin and u banged her?",

"Like.... yeah".

"You are so stupid don't you know that sleeping with a virgin is the worst ever thing that can happen to you,they are clingy and because you took something special from them they 'll need you to treat them as if you going out with them and does that sound right?".


"No it doesn't !",he said slapping my showers.
"Okay am not here to talk about the virgin I came to tell you that a company called Royals Exports inc. currently employing people why don't you apply there ,I have a very big hunch that you 'll get a job there,instead of banging useless virgins".

"Whoa,whoa you have gone too far and that virgin isn't useless ,she gave me something priceless ...".
We both burst out laughing knowing that I really didn't mean what I was saying.
"Coming from you that actually sounds funny,you making my stomach ache".

"So about the enploy-".

"Yeah yeah Leo just apply now and you 'll be employed am about to apply there too,in fact lets go back into your house",he grabs my keys, "and let me use your plain paper we write,like now."
"No way use your own paper brown".
"Will you stop acting like a child!".

"No I won't! ".

"Or come on!"
"Leo don't make me do this".
"Do what?".
"I will do things...things i say!".

"Oh shut up!".

Brown has been my best friend since university and he knows me like the back of his hand.

"Dear sir/madam,is that how it starts or its dear madam or sir?"

"Oh come on Brown be serious am even done now"

"Okay very smart Leo am also done,let's take them to the post office".

We took the letters to the post office,
If it was in those days I would have been hoping they would call me and I would hang around my phone twenty four hours a day and seven days a week but there would be nothing and now it just wasn't in me anymore.if the job was mine no matter what they would call me.
We went back home and spent the rest of the day watching 'who wants to be a billionaire' with Brown,I don't know but today I just didn't feel like going off to a bar and grabbing a random girl for the night.
"Dude am sleepy 'll u allow me spend the night here?".

"Yeah buddy".

"Thanks ".



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