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The trip to paris was more urgent than Leo had anticipated.He packed up his stuff,he made sure he carried his favourite leather slippers for the leisure time Julia told him they would have.

She told him they wouldn't have to work as hard or work everyday there as they used to at their offices.
Mr Royals informed Leo that they would be staying that side for only two weeks.
He then remembered he hadn't spoken to Brown since the day he told him about sleeping with julia's P.A.
He picked up his phone and called him:
"Hey Brown it's Leo, dude you have been quiet what's going on?"
"Leo stop acting like a chicken am a grown man and am doing grown man stuff here,so call me later".

"Hell you not cutting me cause you banging a chick Brown".

"What the heck dude cut the line I will call you when am done and exhausted ".

"No way I wanna talk to you-".

Brown cut the line.Leo knew in his right mind that Brown didn't like getting disturbed when he is getting laid but Leo liked bothering him and he found it quite funny.

He proceeded with packing his clothes and suits.having gotten ready he decided to call Julia.

"Hello miss Julia?".

"Yes Mr leornado."

"What time is the flight tomorrow? ".

"Oh sorry I didn't inform you,we shall be using my father's private plane,but we will be going early so don't be relaxed.I will send my chauffeur to come pick you up by ten o'clock in the morning."

"Alright,thank you.have a goodnight".

"You too Mr Flynn ".

He ended the call and started off to sleep he was so exhausted from all the packing. he had never packed so many clothes in his life except when he was at college.
He snuggled into his comforter so he gets as much sleep as possible.

"Besta do you think it's cute enough?".Julie said referring to her pink dress that reached just above her knees and and it showed as much cleavage as possible.

"For the sixth time Julia you look good ,he will obviously see that.stop trying so hard".

"Aaaaah!,I don't even know what's wrong with me anymore ".

"Just get some rest and relax honey.there is no big deal to it.just concentrate on work that's the whole reason you are going that side isn't it?".

"It is."

"Then concentrate and forget about the boy.goodnight".

Julia couldn't rest as much as she wanted.for the past few days she has been feeling this strong attraction for Leo the more she saw him the stronger it got.she made sure she didn't seem at all obvious to Leo she put up that strong strict, boss character,she never hesitated to tell Leo off if he did something wrong that could jeopardise the company's well-being .


I woke up as early as six o'clock in the morning,I wanted to take an early bath and dress up so I have enough time to do the work I left off yesterday before Julia's chauffeur comes to pick me up.
But before all that Leo decided to call Brown again knowing this time he might have been done.
He was transferred to voicemail immediately he called so he decided to leave a message:
"Hey Brown I will be flying off to paris at ten today I wanted to tell you yesterday but you were busy getting laid.wish me luck."

He cut the call then proceeded to taking his shower.
Time seemed to fly by quickly,just at ten o'clock exactly the chauffeur drove in with a lemo.
They quickly packed the suitcases and drove off to the airport.
Leo's bags where checked so was he and he was allowed to proceed he found Julia in the airport and she told him to follow her.

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