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  "Leo hurry up I want to get home soon I have some things to do".Julia said pressing her phone.

The investigations where made and it turned out the employee was a distant cousin of the Royals.He was trying to get their business to fail because of a past family feud.

"Am coming miss",Leo answered.

"Do you have to take time like a girl,even I the girl dresses faster".

He walked out of the room with his suitcases and walked up to Julia.

"Dont insult me miss Royals,I know you are my boss but I have taken just enough from you these past few days".

Julia looked at him and she wanted to tell him she wasn't sorry but she couldn't open her mouth.Leo walked out of the room after glaring at Julia angrily for what felt like Thirty seconds.

After the night Julia pleaded to Leo to touch her.Julia had been tough with Leo.she wouldn't talk to him unless there was something concerning the business.She didn't want to look weak anymore.she regretted ever pleading for him to touch her,but deep inside she knew very well that she desired him.

They arrived in the USA and were called by julia's father to discuss something.
They reached the building and were happily welcomed by the employees.

They quickly made it to the top floor to talk to Mr Royals.

They walked into julia's office and were told to have their seats.

"Welcome back,am glad my daughter and you Mr Flynn had a safe flight.I decided to inform you as well as warn you especially Mr Flynn about something that was brought to my attention lately."he cleared his throat and continued.

"Mr Flynn I heard you were having sexual relations with our employees.",he slid his glasses to the top of his nose and looked at Leo from the top of the flame of the glasses,"Am I right?".

Leo looked at Julia,who was currently looking at her phone trying so much to avoid eye contact. He then turned to Mr Royals.

"Sir...ah..who told you about such a thing?".

"Mr Flynn answer me. Is it true?"

"Sir I need to know who told you about it,it may be just hearsay."

"Mr Flynn answer me."he said glaring at Leo angrily.

Leo shifted in his seat hesitent at what to tell Me Royals.

"Mr Flynn you either answer me or I fire you".those words hit Leo like a big rock in the heard.

"I heard you slept with one of our employees in Paris is it true Leo?".

",is ,sir",he said looking down and knowing well that it was Julia who told her father about the incident that happened Paris.

"Well Mr Flynn such conduct in not allowed in this company,if you were not working so well I could have fired you immediately without hesitation.I am giving you the last chance to work here and I shouldn't hear such misconduct in my company.if you want to do it ,do it but let it not come to my ears you understand Mr Flynn? !".

"Yes sir ",Leo answered

"You might as well leave now,Julia honey I will see you home".

"Yes daddy ",she walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Leo and Julia walked out of the office and entered the elevator.

Leo instinctively pushed Julia to the wall who was pretending to press her phone.

"I know you are the one who told your father about my affair with Rosy in Paris.what the hell is wrong with you,don't you have your own life to live why are you trying to force yourself in my personal life.I don't care whether you will tell your father about this also but I don't care.You hear!".

"I will tell father about anything I want and yes I was the one who to-". Before Julia could finish talking Leo slapped her on the cheek.

"You might be my boss,but you are not the boss over my private and personal life.know your limits You understand. In fact I can't stand being around you,you disgust me."
Leo pressed a button and the elevator doors opened and he walked out deciding to take the stairs instead of having to be with julia I'm the Same place.

He reached Brown's floor and decided to chat with him instead of going home. But before he could even make a step to Brown's office his phone rang. It was Julia.

"What is it?!",he answered angrily
"Come and collect you luggage Mr Flynn ".

Then she cut the call. He quickly walked down the staircase  to the car park.
"Get in Mr Flynn we are taking you home".

"Oh,so you suddenly want to act all nice miss Julia.No I will book a cab and thank you for the offer and my apologies for that slap in the elavator ".

Julia couldn't believe her ears,not only didn't he notice how sore her eyes were from the crying in the elavator but he also went further to reject her offer. She really meant it this time. She reported him to her father only so she could have him to herself, but she just realised her immature decisions pushed him away.

She looked at Leo as he grabbed his luggage from the boot one after the other. Anybody could tell from his facial expression that he was upset.

"Leo am sorry,am sorry please". She blurted the words out of nowhere,it was her first time she ever apologised to a guy,her first time ever to cry for a guy just because she made a wrong decision.
Leo looked at her,then went back to getting his luggage out of the car.

He got his luggage and walked towards her.
"You know what miss Julia,I had just enough from you. All this mockery and disgrace you put me through just made me realise how terrible of a person you are. When I first met you I thought u were a sweet young lady and I thought working with u would be a great thing but I just realised-". He looked at her then walked away.
Julia stood leaning against the lemo trying so hard to understand how this is happening,how it is possible for an employee to talk to her like that and not fire him.She couldn't understand how Leo could make her feel so many emotions,she couldn't understand the hurt and emptiness she was feeling. It was like Leo left a big gaping hole in her heart.

She couldn't sleep that night,she kept replaying leo's words in her head. Even when her father called for her she told the maid to tell him she was asleep she wanted to be alone with her thoughts.She couldn't understand how Leo could not get attracted to her.

She cried her eyes out the whole night,till her eyes couldn't bring out anymore tears.

She even decided she would not be going for work until she felt better and would stand seeing Leo without any emotion.
She agreed with herself as she switched on her television set to watch TWILIGHT SAGA BREAKING DAWN.

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