Chapter 22

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Yijung Pov

"Joheon achimnida uri yijung-ah!~" Eunjoo greeted cheerfully me as soon as i entered our classroom.

"Joheon achim uri eunjooya~" I smiled and pinched her cheeks. Her smile then disappeared.

"Did you and jaehyun made up already?" she asked.

I giggled.

"Waaaaah. I even did that cheesy greeting for you because i thought you were in a bad mood. My effort is wasted." She glared at me.

"Yaaa~ I appreciate your effort. Thank you." I said as i hugged her. She flashed a smile and hugged me back.

"Okay settle down." Our professor came in and he immediately started our class discussion.

After our class, eunjoo and i decided to eat at the cafeteria.

"The cafeteria is packed. What should we do?" I said.

"Let's just go and eat somewhere near." Eunjoo suggested.

We went out of the school and found a small eatery. An ahjumma greeted us as we went in.

"Welcome." She then led us to table for two. "What would you like?" For a small eatery, the staffs are so polite.

"Uhm.. We'll take two servings of the best food on your menu." Eunjoo said.

"So that would be Bo Ssam. You can rarely find that dish in this area. We also add lots of water kimchi." She said.

"I haven't eaten that dish since our last visit at Nolbu Bo Ssam four years ago." Eunjoo said.

"Kurae? So we'll order Bo Ssam then." I then leaned closer to eunjoo and whispered. "I haven't tasted that yet."

"What?!" Eunjoo exclaimed. "Ahjumma, bring as much Bo Ssam as you can. My friend here haven't tasted that yet."

"Ya!" I tapped her shoulders. "You're so exaggerated. That's so embarassing." I looked around and saw other costumers looking at me. "Ahjumma, just give us Bo Ssam." i said to her as she smiled.

"Ye arasseo." She then left us. I glared at eunjoo.

"Mianhae. I just wanted you to have the best first taste of that dish. It's really delicious. Why haven't you tried that food yet?" She said.

"You know what, my mom, the woman who raised me just like what i told you before, never treated me to any food chain or shops. We were so poor that she couldn't even afford to buy me delicious foods or even gifts on my birthdays. But i never asked her for that. I only wanted her to stay with me. She even had me sent to school until high school. I was thankful for that." I reminisced my past. I had been through rough times,but my mom strived for me even though she gave up half way.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. But dont worry. This time, i will make sure that you will experience whatever you have never experienced in your life before. You will surely enjoy the things that you have right now. I will help you." She said.

"Thank you, eunjooya. You were the first real, woman friend that i ever had."

"Me too. That's why i will do my best to make you happy at all times, nae chinguya~" She giggled as she held my hand.

I laughed. She is just so funny. Her jolliness makes me feel good all the time. I'm really glad i met a friend like her. I promise to be the best friend that she would ever hope for.

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