Chapter 36

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When we were a few blocks away from home, I told Mark to just drop me off somewhere near and I'll just walk. He strongly refused and I understand that. He asked why and I just said it's getting late. But I can't think of anything to avoid Jaehyun from seeing Mark and I. I actually did nothing wrong with Mark, but I did something wrong to Jaehyun.

I didn't tell him that Mark went to Eunjoo with us. I don't know but I don't want Jaehyun to get angry at me and at the same time, I just can't cast Mark away. He's a good friend to me. I don't want them to lose their friendship either.

I had no choice.

"I'm so sorry. I cannot invite you inside anymore. It's getting late." I said to him as he stopped the car infront of our gate.

"It's okay. I'll just drop by another time." He smiled. I cannot help but flash a little smile at him. I can't just forbid him at that.

I asked him not to open the door for me anymore so I just got out of his car on my own. When I was about to get inside, Mark suddenly opened his car door and called me.

"Yijung!" I immediately turned around.


"I know you're worried about Jaehyun knowing that we were together. Just go and tell him that I was the one who said I'll go. Don't burden yourself."

I almost got teary-eyed when he said that. He just hit the jackpot.

I just nodded my head, preventing myself from crying. I could not say a word at that. He just smiled and then left.

When I got inside the gate, at my surprise, Jaehyun was there. He was standing right in front of me.

I don't know how I feel at that moment.

"Jae.." It's the only thing I can say.

"Welcome back." He said as he smiled. Jaaee!! Why are you doing this to me?

"O-Eo. Same to you." I replied.

He opened his arms wide open, waiting for a hug. I didn't think twice and I ran to him.

I cried.

"Why are you crying? Shouldn't you be happy to see me?"

"I am. I missed you so much." I said.

He hugged me tighter. "I missed you too."

"Uhm.. Jae-"

"I heard Mark and Doyoung hyung even explained to me. So don't worry about it."

"He did?" I looked up at him.

"Eo. So don't worry." He smiled then he bent his head and kissed me on my forehead. I felt relieved. "We should head back now. It's getting cold."

Mark pov

While we were on our way to her house, I noticed that when she received a text message, she suddenly felt uneasy. She even told me to drop her off on a nearby street.

I sighed.

It must have been hard on her to hide something from Jaehyun. Doyoung hyung actually messaged me too.

I stopped my car for a moment and took a deep breath.

What am I doing? I must've been so desperate to have Yijung. Love can wait, ain't it right?

I shook my head out of dismay. I must've been crazy to take my friend's girl.

I should distance myself from her. That way, she wouldn't feel uneasy again.

Jaehyun pov

I must have been rough on her. I restricted her too much which gave her so much burden. I should have trusted her more.

"Jaehyun-ah, grandma said that you should just stay for the night. We can't let you drive this late at night." Doyoung hyung said.

"Arasseoyo. Kamsahamnida, hyung." I said.

"You can use the guest room on the second floor. The one beside Yijung's."

"Okay hyung."

"I'll have one of the maids prepare it for you. Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes, I did."

"Arasseo. If you need anything else, just tell yijung or the maids. Just feel at home. I gotta rest now. I still have work tomorrow." Hyung said.

"Ye, hyung. Thank you. Rest well." I said.

I waited for Yijung to come down. I was sitting at the living room, watching tv.

I then received a text message from Mark.

Don't be too hard on her. I was the one coming at her and I apologize for that. I take back everything I said to you. I realized I just wanted her to be happy and just stay as your friend. It's just that Yijung have everything that I ever wanted in a girl. Just be happy with her.

What's wrong with him? Just a few weeks ago he was going about taking yijung away from me if I dont take good care of her. I didn't want to lose him as my friend too.

So I replied.

Don't stress too much. Let's have a drink some time.

I laid my head back at the sofa as I reminisced our days during college.

"I sure miss hanging out with him."

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