Prologue (some 1000 years in the past.) (REVAMPED)

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*******912 A.D. *******

It was morning and the sun was shining through the trees and a fresh layer of snow laid on the ground. A young boy was wandering through the forest not far from his home. When he came to a clearing. He stood in the middle and admired the beauty. When he heard a twig snap behind him. He quickly turned to look and he caught a glimpse of something running behind a tree. The boy's curiosity got the best of him and he went to investigate. He quietly approached the tree and drew his weapon not making a sound trying to catch whatever it was off guard he peered around the tree expecting to see an animal of sorts but what he saw caught him off guard behind the tree was the prettiest girl that he had ever seen. She was wearing a small beautiful dress with a fur-lined cloak to keep out the chill, long blonde hair that shone like the sun, beautiful eyes the color of a storm over the sea, and a small scar from the side of the cheek to the middle. The girl let out a yelp of surprise and fell backward. The boy quickly apologized and sheathed his weapon then, offered her a hand and helped her up. The girl brushed off her skirts and reached down and picked up a basket filled with strange flowers and plants. The girl thanked him and asked his name

"Eric, My name is Eric. What is yours?" He asked,

"My name is Nikita." She answered his question with a smile.

"What are you doing out in the woods by yourself?" He inquired

"I could ask the same of you." She replied.

"But I asked first and you are in my family's territory. "He said with a slight arrogance.

"I'm sorry for intruding. I was just out gathering herbs and I guess I wandered too far." He could see that her trying not to blush.

"Would you like help getting back?" He asked,

"I can find my own way back, but it would be nice to have some company."

They set off together and talked about different things they learned each other's ages Eric was 12 while Nikita was only 10. He asked her about the scar

"I got this when young it is something I prefer not to talk about." She replied, casually. "Why not?" He asked, curious. "It's a complicated story that I wish not to share."

She gave him his answer sternly and he did not ask about it anymore. They continued to talk about meaningless things. When they stopped for a break. Eric was sitting down when a snowball flew at him and he heard a giggle. He turned towards the sound and saw Nikita with a smile on her face trying to act innocent. He gave a smile of his own and threw one back at her when she looked away. This caused a small snowball fight between the two laughing as the other got hit.

"Hey, do you know how to sword fight?" Nikita suddenly asked excitedly.

"Of course, I know how to sword fight," Eric replied.

"Then let's have a dual when we reach my house." She suggested happily.

"I will not battle with a girl it would be too easy." He said smugly

"Don't be so sure of yourself Eric I was trained well by my father." She replied with a soft smile. "Okay let's see if your right."

They continued on the path laughing at each other's stories. They came to a clearing where there was a beautiful spacious looking log house. Eric was in awe at the beauty.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" the exclamation startled Eric out of his awe. He looked behind him to see a boy that looked like Nikita.

"I was just gathering herbs for mother when I accidentally wandered too far," Nikita said defensively.

Meeting HIM.....again(Eric Northman/ true blood fanfic) (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now