Chapter 2 Meeting Face to Face.....Again (REVAMPED)

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******Later in the Evening******

Eric P.O.V.

 As the night went on I waited for the text to arrive feeling somewhat eager to meet these new tenants hoping that one of them is the divine-smelling creature that graced the bar less than an hour ago. The message arrived an hour stay before the bar closed I had Pam stay for the remainder of the time while I left to meet our new renters. I arrived at the house in a matter of minutes. I saw people unloading stuff from a truck recognizing them as the ones from the bar. I approached the group and introduced myself. I did not see the beauty from the bar or the man that was next to her but rather the 3 others that were with them.  The one who approached me was a woman with waist-length golden blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, she was about 5'8 and had features similar to the woman. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Northman. My name is Sigrid these are my brothers Erik and Alexander what brings you here?" She introduced herself and inquired. 

"I thought it would be good to meet my new tenants." 

"This late?" I raised my eyebrow at her question. "Yes, I am a vampire after all and I take it from appearances and smell you are too." 

"Oh, I apologize I did not mean to be rude but wouldn't it have given you more time if you welcomed us tomorrow?" She Inquired.

 "I would have but I have other matters to attend such as my business, I was also eager to meet mt new tenants," I answered her with a slightly forced smile. "I believe there are five of you. Is that correct?" 

"Yes, it is they should be back shortly they left to go discuss a few things Sam is the one who signed the papers." She told me with a smile of her own. 

I continued to discuss the matters of the rental with them. The rental in question was a house with 2 stories not including the attic or the basement, it had a big foyer with real marble floors I asked $8,000 for rent and it had to be occupied for 2 years in order to buy it. 


Nikita's P.O.V.

I sat at the desk in the study with my head in my hands groaning Sam standing in front of me. "What in the Hell were you thinking Sam? You knew he would be our landlord yet you didn't think to mention it to me?" I asked him annoyed and pissed off. "I didn't know Eric of all people would be our landlord Nikita I'm sorry. I saw the last name and thought maybe it was one of his descendants or a different person altogether I didn't think it'd be the bastard himself." Sam answered slightly cowering at my look of anger.  

"It's already bad enough that he saw me at the club but he even smelt me he probably already knows who I am or has an idea. Do you realize the shit storm this would cause? He is my only weakness, the only thing I'm vulnerable to hence why I have been avoiding him for the past millennia. Now I have to deal with him for the next two years." I got even more agitated and worried at that thought.

"Niki it's been over 1,000 years since he last saw you! I really doubt he remembers you or me. You also don't have to be in direct contact with him you have the children and me to do stuff on your behalf. Two years isn't a long time especially for you, you know this, and worst-case scenario you can just cast our facades." Sam said making a good point. 

Suddenly I watched his face change to one of confusion and slight fear. "He's here." I heard him say. I had an idea I cast a small spell over mine and his appearances to change them slightly and cover my smell. Sam looked at me bewildered then in understanding. "Let us go greet our new landlord Sam." I took the ward down that I used to soundproof the room and left to go greet Eric with Sam in tow.

 **********Eric's P.O.V. *******

I saw two people exiting the house although they did not look like the ones from the bar they did look similar though I smelt the air again searching for the amazing smell only to find the smell of normal blood. The man approaches me he looks he had sandy blonde hair and pale blue eyes. "Greetings you must be Mr. Northman. I'm Daniel and this is my sister Sarah." The man extended his hand to offer a handshake as the woman stepped up beside him. She looked similar to Daniel with the same sandy blonde hair and pale blue eyes but not so much like the girl I saw at the bar. Sigrid and her brothers looked confused as I shook the hands of Daniel. When I touched Sarah's hand to shake it I felt a spark shoot up my arm but saw no change in her demeanor. The spark felt familiar and pleasant it felt like something I haven't felt in centuries but there is no way it's possible.

"I thank you for allowing us to rent and possibly buy your beautiful home, Mr. Northman it is quite lovely," Sarah said with a sweet smile and voice that sounded familiar.

"You're welcome I'm am more than happy to rent out to such beautiful ladies," I said smirking. While she was not as beautiful as the girl from the bar but she was still very easy on the eyes. I saw a flash of annoyance and anger flash through her eyes but like when we touched she didn't let her it show on her face. Daniel and I proceeded to discuss the matters of the lease and such while Sarah turned to leave and make her way to the truck to assist the movers with the furniture. I had Daniel sign his name on the contract and then Sigrid and the others. "Now we bid you farewell Mr. Northman it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope our paths cross once again. We would have you stay longer but we still have a lot of unloading to do before dawn if you don't mind." Daniel said as he shook my hand goodbye. I saw Sarah disappear into the house with what appeared to be an ornate box and a set of old books. Just as I was taking my leave I smelt the sweet scent again and it smelt even more mouth-watering without the smell of the club to mix with it. I followed it to an open window and saw Sigrid standing in front of it with her back turned I was confused until I saw the box and books she was setting down and realized it was Sarah she looked more like the girl I saw at the club than the one I met outside just a few moments ago at least from what I could see I wonder how that's possible. I watched as she set down the ornate box on a high shelf and put the old tomes on a lower shelf except for one. She walked over to the desk and set the book down. She looked at the fireplace next to her and the next thing I know it roared to life with no spark or flame. "Interesting," I thought to myself I watched her turn back to the tome and place her hand on top of it a faint light came from her hand as the tome sprung open and its own and she began scanning the pages looking for something I could hear someone approaching the window and finally took my leave. I will definitely make sure our paths cross again especially with Sarah.

******Alexander's P.O.V.******

I was finishing up unloading the rest of the truck. Our mother returned our powers when we reached the house as promised and we made quick work with the stuff in the truck. I was surprised to meet our landlord so soon and even more so as he looked so much like Erik. I was also surprised that mom and uncle Sam put on their facades and gave their other names instead of greeting them normally. I was wondering as to why this could be as I returned to the truck to grab the last items. My siblings and I have learned not to question her reasons as they are almost always valid even when she took our powers away while I do not agree with it I understand why she did. I sensed there was something I followed the smell to the study of the window and watched as something that appeared to be Mr. Northman quickly fly off I looked in and saw my mother sitting there flipping through the pages of one of her grimoires looking like her normal self again. I wonder what he was doing spying on my mom or as he believed my friend.

Meeting HIM.....again(Eric Northman/ true blood fanfic) (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now