Chapter 6 I Still Remember You

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***Nikita's P.O.V.***

I knew you seemed familiar. So how long has it been, Lilla tiken? He asked as his grip tightened on my neck even more while his face got closer to mine, his fangs bared, body barely an inch away. Me being the smartass, I am replied, "Not long enough now let me go you tall bastard before I do worse to you than what I did to the others." I tried to pry his hand from my throat with no success while seeming intimidating my eyes turning black trying to muster any power that I could to make my threat seem more real. His grip only loosened slightly but still held me firm to the wall. Thank goddess I didn't have to breathe. "Then do it. Show me what you got. That's right, you can't...Häxa" He said, getting even closer to my face, with a sinister smile. My eyes widened when he called me a witch. My mind immediately panicked when he hinted at knowing that I couldn't harm him with magic. "How did you?" He squeezed my throat hard again, cutting me off. "Well it wasn't hard to figure out you weren't exactly human from the beginning, then your little threat about repeating the Spanish Inquisition, along with the fear I saw in your eyes when you saw me charging you, there is also this as well." He pulled a small ancient leather-bound book from his back pocket and held it up for me to see. My eyes got even wider if that was possible. get... that?" I struggled to ask, trying while pulling harder at his hand. "You see, little one after I got my father's land in order and got everything back under control I decided I was going to take your head and mount it in front of my door for all to see and serve as a warning to those who decide to betray me but when I arrived the house was empty except for a few things one of them being this interesting little journal." He told me. I always wondered what happened to that journal all I could think is how I could've been so so fucking stupid to leave it behind. I originally wasn't worried because it didn't have anything that could identify as mine except the writing, and to anyone else, it seemed like a work of fiction or the ramblings of a crazy person. The journal Eric possed has almost everything about me as a witch, everything from small personal stories to my powers, to spells, to...weaknesses I felt the color drain from my face and my stomach drop as I came to the realization he knew almost everything about me as a witch and probably has it memorized. Waiting for this moment to use it against me. I have very few weaknesses being from the bloodline I am and with the powers I have one of those weaknesses was Eric...literally. I might as well have been human when it came to him. The spell my parents had used to bring me back not only came with the curse of immortality which my parents tried to get around by binding the children to us. Fate does not like being fucked with so they made a catch if I die by Eric my children will perish as well. The fates knew this man would try and hunt me down to the ends of the earth due to his hatred if he'd ever gotten a lead on me so they made it to where I couldn't fully settle that if I got the slightest hint he was after me I had to move again. The first few centuries of my existence were spent constantly on guard, never staying in one place for too long never making real connections outside of my family for fear he'd find me. I finally let my guard down when I got word that he had stopped his pursuit and finally settled down on the opposite side of the world from him. The only person who knew about this predicament in its entirety after my parents passed was Samuel, Sigi knew a little bit after I let it slip one night but she knew not to pry further. "Please Eric let me go please I didn't do anything! It wasn't me! Please let me explain." I cried out silently praying that someone comes home, that my children can feel my distress. "Let you explain? Let you explain! We both know that's a lie, Nikita, I saw you with my own eyes when you handed my father's crown. I'm tired of hearing your pleading and lies. I'm going to enjoy every single bit of what I'm about to do next. It's a real shame I'm getting to destroy such a pretty, powerful, little thing. If only you had kept your loyalty to me." He told me as his face leaned into my neck his body finally fully pressing into mine. I felt his nose run up my jugular till he reached the point where he could feel my pulse hammering against my skin while muttering something about how amazing it smelled with the fear mixed in. The cold dread filled me quickly more so than it had before. My blood was a prized protected thing not only because of its taste but because of what it can do for a vampire. I felt his lips brush against my pulse and I unconsciously shivered and my nipples hardened. I felt him smile against my neck then his fangs sink in harshly. The cry I let out only made him sink his fangs in deeper and suck harder. I heard him moan in ecstasy as the first taste of my blood hit his tongue. All that went through my head were memories of my life, my family's life, and all the cherished moments I had. The thought of what would happen to my beloved family as a result of my death was ever present in my mind.


Lilla tiken = Little Bitch

Häxa = Witch

Meeting HIM.....again(Eric Northman/ true blood fanfic) (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now