Forbidden forest

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Draco's P.O.V

Watching her walk away from me, I feel this argue to grab her wrist and say that I'm sorry for annoying her but I have to keep my bad boy reputation.I walk back to my compartment where the others are.

"Oh hello Dracula" wow, really Blaise Dracula? what has gone in his head


"Yeah that your new nick name cause you know, your so pale"

"Oh so I can sparkle like Edward" I say sarcastically, if your wondering, yes Draco Malfoy read a muggle book.

He just gave me a innocent smile and start reading the daily prophet i sat next to wondering what Hermione mean't before.

I gaze out the window and day dream endlessly until my thought were interrupted with the most annoying voice I heard in my lifetime

"Draco! How are you? Why haven't you sent me a single letter? And why were you talking to the Mud blood?" My blood began to boil, how dare she call Hermione a mud blood, I used to call Hermione that but know I've changed but Pansy is another story. She tried to sit on my lap but I shove her away. Ugh

"Don't you dare call her that"

"Ohh Draco poo has a soft spot for our tiny whinny know it all" Theo saying with a baby voice

"Shut it Not, what if I do have feeling for Granger is that a problem for any of you?"

"Umm yeah she's a mud blood" I grab my wand and point it at Theo neck

"Don't you dare call her that word ever again you understand me!"

"Geez dude calm down" and what if I don't want to calm down, this git is getting my nerves

"Draco put your wand down" I hesitated but I put my wand down slowly.

"If I hear any of you call any muggle-born a mud blood again I swear I won't hesitate to do one of the unforgivable curses on you"

Hermione's p.o.v

After that embarressing conversation i had with Draco i cant stop thinking about him! His blonde hair and captivating, stormy eyes. I am so confused.

As we stop, its completally dark.

"Hey Hermione do you want to come with us to Hogsmeade?"

"Um no thank you, I want to stay here"

"Oh okay, if you want us you know where to find us, I will see you guys at the feast"Harry gave me tell-me-what-on-your-mind look, I gave him a smile which indicate that I will tell him later. Watching Harry, Ron and Ginny walking away, I turn around and head for the black lake or the forest. We are not supposed to be in the forest but I need some where that is peaceful, that no one will find me. When I entered the forbidden forest I have this feeling in my stomach that something is going to happen, I push the feeling away and head deeper into the forest. I really do not understand why people are scared of this forest, it's so peaceful, so calming, the way the tree branches move from side to side and how the leaves make that melodic sound. The sky was dark and gloomy but it feels peaceful, no worry, no distractions, no hassle and no stress. Every step I take the leaves beneath my feet crunch. I take a big breath in and let it out slowly taking in the scenery in front of me, it is utterly beautiful, at the spot where I'm standing you can see the black lake and Hogwarts at the back ground, they're no words that can explain it.I stand at one spot and sigh softly, why can't I stay here longer, this is my home for the past 6 years, why can't I stay any longer? Just when I thought I was worry free, I hear footsteps coming closer. I found my wand and grabbed it tightly in my hands. I closed my eyes tightly as a hand was placed on my shoulder and one on my waist. The only thing is running in my head is utter fear, what kind of Griffindor am I.

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