Loving you

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Hermione's P.O.V

Why can't he just notice? I have this huge crush on my best friends enemy. I watch him when he walks down the corridors. His stormy grey eyes hunt me at night when I dream about him. If Harry and Ron find out about this they will force me me stay away from him but how can I stay away from him. Why is my love life so difficult? I don't even know my feelings for him the only things he does is pushes me around and says I am nothing and that I'm just a scum under his shoes that way I don't know my feelings for him, I just can't stop thinking about him maybe it's just I'm attracted to Blonde hair and stormy eyes. I can't even explain what his eyes look like there are No words that can describe them, I always get lost in them.

Draco's P.O.V

I hate myself for doing that to her, she does not deserves it, her brown eyes look terrified when I'm near her she tries to avoid me every time she crosses my pathwhy did I ever do things to her, maybe because I wanted her to notice me or I just want to make my father have his perfect muggle-born hater son. I will never let those days go by not regretting those horrible things I've done to her . Ooh god why is this happening to me? I'm falling hard for her, no one has made me feel this way not even Pansy or Astoria or any other, it's so frustrating I'm literally bending down on my knees and praising her even though I'm not physically showing it I'm mentally showing it. Why can't I just disobey my father and tell Hermione the truth, and show the real me not the heartless git that pushes muggle borns and first years around. I wonder if she thinks about me ... hahah yeah right I ruined her life why would she be thinking about me, the only thing she is thinking about is what a spoiled prat I am.

How I wish I can tell her how much I love her

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