Chapter 1: The Flirty Sisters

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                        Your POV
Hi I'm Y/N L/N. I'm a 15 year old girl model, my parents are famous in the fashion industry. But I am not a normal girl. Me and my sister Ruena hold the legendary Twin cheetah miraculos. Our power is so strong that we can defeat 20 stormy weather's and still be okay. But enough about that. Today my parent had a meeting with Gabriel Agreste and his two sons Felix and Adrien Agreste. Currently I am in a limo waiting for it to stop so I can arrive at the Agreste family mansion. Well, me and my sister are in a limo there because we are engaged to them. I'll tell you how it happen.

            The L/N Family mansion

Quickly as we could we put on a formal dress mine pink my sister's purple and a dust of make up. We came down the stairs and saw both Félix Agreste and Adrien Agreste both blushing a deep red. "Hello girls," said Gabriel Agreste in cold but kind voice. "Hello Mr. Agreste" we both said

"We've been thinking, and when I mean we I mean Gabriel and your father and I. We thought it beifit both companies if we somehow combine the companies and made sure that it contuied throughout the future. So, for that reason as soon as you all compete high school and get a high school diploma, as of today you all now are engaged to each other." Said My mom.

                   Adrien's POV
"WHAT!?!?!" We all say in unison. 'I mean it not that bad I liked Y/N  for a while now so I guess having her as a fianceé isn't all that bad' I thought to myself. I mentally slam my self, 'come on Adrien, you love ladybug now, get this girl out of your head' I hear a voice that sounds like my father.

"We have set up a interview with a popular celebrity show to say you all are dating, but we need media proof of it, so tomorrow you have a couple's photoshoot." Stated Gabriel.

"And since me and D/N (Dad's name) have to go to London tomorrow afternoon you girls are living with the Agreste Family for 3 months." Continued Mrs. L/N.

Felix's POV
'Wow, 3 months of seeing Ruena walking around my house, wait did he say DATING?!?' I interally scream. 'Well at least my dream came true.'  I silently snicker to my self, 'Diseny was right, dreams do come true.' I honesty think Adrien saw me snicker to myself because he looks as if he saw a ghost. Then remember the girls can get super seducing and flirty. 'I really hope that they don't say anything like that on the ride home.' I thought, remember things they said in the past. Making my face heat up at the thought of it.
I see Y/N whisper something to Ruena and then they both blow a kiss at me and then Adrien then wink at us, making us both blush.

"Tomorrow, both Girls are starting school with you, and you'll be saying you guys are dating. For the sake of the public, you will have to do stuff that couples do." Said My father

"Girls most of your stuff is already packed so see you soon." Said Mrs. And Mr. L/N.
Then I see Ms. L/N walk up to Adrien and whispered something to him and then he blushed madly. Mr. L/N come to me and said "Can i trust you with my Ruena? She seems to really like you" I nodded without thinking then he continues "good and this was your father's idea to make her your fianceé." He said finshed and looking satisfied with my reaction. Then walks over and says goodbye to his daughters. I hear giggles and I look who it was, it was,  Ruena. 'Man, her giggles are the voices of angels. I guess it was worth having a shrine in my room.' 
          ------End of Flashback------
"So--" I say trying to start a conversation.

"Your school, anyone I should look out for?" I say a little nervous

"Chloé, she has really chaged since last you've seen her, but since she knew you  I think your in the clear." Adrien reply

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