Chapter 3: Why is she Acting Strange?

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Ring Ring
"That bell is the signal to freedom!!!" I shout and my classmate just laugh in agreement.
"Hey, guys ready for that talkshow ?" I tap the boys shoulder and we head to my locker to talk more. I see Ruena and Felix acting all lovey dovey. It only the first day and boy, they enjoying it.

Adrien's POV
I could believe what I was hearing. As long as I knowed Y/N she hated talk shows, photoshoot, anything with media in it. But I think she was hinting for me too check up on her or something I have no idea.

"Hey princess, what's wrong? You hated talk shows, is something wrong?" I ask politely trying not to dig in to it.

"It just that--" she paused then says.
"Um, I am fine! Yep nothing wroung here, hehe." She trys not sound nevous but fails.
"Y/N What happen when Alya and Marinette talked to you? She started to act werid after lunch." Ruena tells.
"Tell me later, kay?" I hear spot and nod.
"Father said you girl could change before the photo shoot. So we are heading home." She nods angain. Something is up and she won't let me. Maybe she'd tell Chat Noir? When we arrive the first thing she does is run to her room. 'I wonder whats up?' I ask my self.

Sorry for the really short chapter😓. I promise the next one will be longer
This is Q👑eeny Signing off

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